Saturday, October 04, 2008

Hard Right

Looks like all sorts of people have now noticed Rich Lowry's unusually, er, ardent reaction to the VP debate. (Olbermann. Sullivan.)

Thing is Lowry's reaction just doesn't seem all that out of line with other, folks at e.g. The Corner.

Certainly their readers have waxed rather libidinous about Palin, and I've suspected that K-Lo herself has a wee girl crush on Palin.

Now there's a whole breathless sidebar full of pieces breathlessly asserting that PALIN WON THE DEBATE!!!11. Less overtly masturbatory than Lowry's post, more swoony and crushy. From the Editors' "Palin's Triumph", through York's blather about the winks, Lopez's blather about the winks, and more bizarre Reagan comparisons.

The Corner used to be funny...but I have to say, they're getting a little scary over there now. Go poke around and check me out on this, but they seem to be suffering from some kind of extremely vivid mass delusion. They really, genuinely seem to believe not only that Palin is qualified, but that she's just the awesomest candidate e-var.

If things get any worse over there, their next post will look something like this:

Sarah P. I like you do you like me check one:
____ yes ____no


Blogger lovable liberal said...

Embrace the middle school level of American politics. Early middle school...

Republican politicos know they need to pretend to offer entry into the cool clique to this emotional age group.

11:06 PM  

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