Sunday, January 05, 2025

Political Correctness and the UK's Massive Pakistani Rape-Gang Horror

I haven't discussed this for a long, long time, but it's back in the news:
What made these horrors even worse – and in some cases what made them possible – was the calculated indifference of officialdom. Across England, local politicians and cops were initially loath to dig into the gangs, lest they stir up ‘sensitive community issues’. They knew very well that gangs of men from Pakistani backgrounds were preying on white girls from the dirt-poor parts of town, but they held back because they didn’t want to be seen as ‘targeting [a] minority group’. In town after town, ‘race relations’ were elevated above the safety and dignity of working-class girls. Protecting the ideology of multiculturalism was seen as more important than protecting girls from rape. The girls were sacrificed to ideology, their humiliation treated as a small price to pay for upholding the edicts of political correctness.
Now Labour officials in the Home Office are refusing to begin an inquiry.
   This is political correctness: maintaining the illusion that "multiculturalism" is an unalloyed good. Of course "multiculturalism" itself is one of those bits of Newspeak used to advance leftist radicalism. Like "diversity" and the rest, it's a happy-sounding term used to give cover to the leftist dream/project of destroying the West. Put so starkly, it sounds crazy--unless you're actually paying attention.
   My rule of thumb: don't pay attention to the happy-sounding words.
   Pay attention to the actual policies implemented under the happy-sounding words.
   Or just mentally replace e.g. "multiculturalism" with "rape gangs and the destruction of Western civilization."
   As Starmer has admitted, the UK has been conducting a "one-nation experiment in open borders."
   As per usual, one of the really striking things about all this is that it wasn't a close call. It's not like these are reasonable policies. They're policies than anyone should be able to see are catastrophic. And many of us have been pointing this out all along.


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