Friday, January 03, 2025

Hayden Ludwig: Trump, E-Verify and Self-Deportation

Yes to all of this.
This problem isn't just due to the Dems. The Pubs have done their part, too:
Yet many blue states go out of their way to discourage E-Verify’s use. California bars private employers from using E-Verify before making a job offer. Illinois penalizes companies that “misuse” the E-Verify system, discouraging them from using the program at all. And in 2021, Colorado Democrats actually repealed the use of E-Verify for state contractors on a party-line vote, calling it a “barrier to certain public opportunities.”
That America hasn’t already mandated this policy everywhere explains a lot about the state of our immigration system. For decades, establishment Republican squishes conspired with far-left Democrats to turn our country into a playground for the world’s poor and privileged alike – so long as those policies lined the right pockets.
In 2010, for instance, the Chamber of Commerce sued to block Arizona’s E-Verify mandate, later losing in the U.S. Supreme Court. (The Chamber now says it supports the measure.)
California Democrat Zoe Lofgren spelled it out in 2018: Mandating E-Verify “would be highly disruptive to restaurants, hotels, and other industries” reliant on illegal labor.
Opening the floodgates to tens of millions of noncitizens, legal or otherwise, proved one of the Beltway’s favorite bipartisan schemes. Corporate “conservatives” got cheap, imported labor; wily “progressives” got future welfare state voters. We the People got the highest percentage of foreign-born residents in American history: over 15%, higher than the mass immigration period of the late 1800s – and steadily rising since the Reagan amnesty mistake 38 years ago.
Cynical Washington elites sold our nation’s culture, jobs, and dignity away and smeared their critics as racist for complaining. For years, that grift worked – until Donald Trump sparked a revival in American self-confidence.


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