Terrorism by Radical Islamists Show that...the Real Threat is Generic Extremism...Except Really the Right...
I'm strawmanning in the title...but not by much...
IMO we can't believe such stuff because the FBI is part of a network of left-leaning think tanks, academicians, and groups like the ADL that are known to spin things so as to be more in line with their preferred view of things. We know that they took the 2016 Pulse nightclub shooting by Omar Mateen and spun it leftward; instead of admitting that Mateen was an Islamist extremist, they turned it into an anti-gay shooting. Can't have people thinking it was a Muslim! Really, it was an anti-gay bigot! That's the real problem here! But that simply wasn't true.
I'm not claiming to know that the FBI (etc.) is wrong. That would be dumb. I'm just pointing out the rather obvious fact that we can't trust them.
The linked piece doesn't quite go like this...but...I'm going to say it anyway:
Hey, you know that crazy Muslim with the ISIS flag who killed all those people in NOLA? Well, that was just one kind of extremism!! And the worst kind of extremism is right-wing extremism!
I'd Just like to get the facts and get them straight. Or at least: straighter.
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