Tuesday, December 31, 2024

FFRF Yanks Jerry Coyne's Essay for Wrongthink re: The Transes; Coyne, Pinker, Dawkins Resign

Coyne spoke up early about neo-PC/Woketarian madness, esp. re: race.
In this case, Coyne merely noted that women are female. FFRF initially published his essay, then yanked it and issued a semi-groveling mea culpa--not as bad as some, granted.
Coyne, Steven Pinker, and Richard Dawkins resigned from FFRF.
Two groups people seemed to think were immune to PC: scientists and atheists.
Turns out, neither was/is.
In fact, atheism was one of the first sheep to fall in line--calling woke atheism "Atheism+"
How revolting...
Anyway, note that even Jerry Coyne is not permitted to question even the most outlandish lefty Lysenkoism even in a publication of a group that sees itself as maximally devoted to rationality.

To paraphrase a now-common sentiment on the right: you don't hate woke nearly enough.

SF Chronicle: It's Difficult to Determine If* [sic] "Transwomen" are Faster or Stronger


But anyhoo: pure "trans" pseudoscience.
   This is a common strategy in such public discussions, though only the left really has the institutional resources to pull it off effectively: when you're busted dead to rights, just drag your feet, dissemble and delay. All you really need to concentrate on in the short terms is not admitting error and not letting your opponents' arguments go unanswered. Your goal is keep your own true believers onboard, and prevent all the fair-minded uncertains from abandoning ship.
   And the left always has scientists and people who can plausibly be represented as scientists to go along with even its most harebrained schemes.
   None of this really matters because boys cannot be girls and men cannot be women. So boys and men should not be allowed to participate in girls and women's sports, use their restroom and locker room facilities, etc.
   But, yeah: boys and men generally have an athletic advantage over girls and women. Only political correctness prevents people from admitting that.

PC AI: IQ; Only Grok Admits Racial IQ Differences

Gabe Kaminsky: Obama's Censorship Office Goes Bankrupt

Political Disagreement: The Old Way and the New

In the old days, political disagreement went roughly like this:
Republicans: "Democrats are full of shit about x"
Democrats: "Republicans are full of shit about x"
Now it goes like this:
Republicans: "Democrats are full of shit about x"
Democrats:  Create university x-studies departments, staffed entirely by leftists, implementing and advocating the view that Republican are full of shit about x; create committees, government departments, NGOs and think tanks to transmit the idea that Republicans are full of shit about x; infuse public schools and universities with the view that Republicans are full of shit about x, representing this as incontrovertible expert opinion; announce "whole-of-government" / "whole-of-society" efforts to establish the view that Republicans are full of shit about x as "settled science"; media immediately treats "Republicans are full of shit about x" as the common sense of educated people, ergo the only acceptable view of x; media "fact-"checkers uniformly rate the Republican position on x as "full of shit," one notch below "pants on fire"; Wikipedia entry on Republican views of x begins "The full-of-shit view that..."; government mis-/dis-/mal-/non-/quasi-information offices write white papers on the topic of the full-of-shit-ness of the Republican view of x...

WSJ: By Blocking Gaetz Confirmation, Senators Helped the Country--and Trump

What a blockhead nomination.
Trump seems to just go for fame/notoriety.
I withheld judgment on Gaetz, given the left's routine character assassination of its opponents. But sounds like they were right this time.
I'm basically a libertarian about such stuff in theory--I don't care about people taking drugs, nor about adults exchanging money (or anything else) for sex. But what's ok in theory often has prohibitively negative unintended consequences. E.g.: drug cartels, sex trafficking, the destruction of neighborhoods... As for the statutory rape charge, we're not told what the age of consent is wherever that allegedly happened...but it's hard to believe they'd let him get away with that if it was below 18...dunno whether 18 is being used there as a rule of thumb or what...
Anyway: yes, dumb nomination. I didn't expect it to go through. Let's move on.

WSJ: Trump is Right on H1-b Visas

Seems reasonable, but I really don't know anything about it.
Coulter says that legal immigration needs to be throttled back some.
Which, again, I don't know much about--but that needs to be on the table. The left will shriek racism, of course, because the left shrieks racism about everything that runs against their general view in any way. So I take the left shrieking racism to actually be an indicator that we're on the right track.
But, prima facie, and acknowledging my vast ignorance here, it sounds like these are exactly the kinds of immigrants we need.
But, by Sowell's law, we know that in every case we're opting for a tradeoff of some kind. Like many on the right, I don't want to import a bunch of brainiacs who are basically anti-American...that doesn't sound like such a great tradeoff... But this is pretty speculative/hand-wavy. Not exactly sure how we filter out such folk.
In general, seems like Trump, Musk and Ramaswamy are right about this.

Sunday, December 29, 2024

Jimmy Carter Dies at 100

A good man and an excellent former President.


The National Archives Belatedly Releases Photos Showing That Biden Lied About Meeting With Hunter's Business Partners

Trump didn't collude with Russian, but the Biden family did collude with the Chinese...and, almost certainly, others.
Trump was impeached the first time for investigating such collusion--influence-peddling--though specifically the Ukrainian manifestation, not the Chinese manifestation.
This is how the deck is stacked against the Republicans.

The Coming Backlash

Just to be clear one more time: I have no doubt that there will be a conservative backlash to the recent madness of the left. In fact, I think you can already hear the rumblings. At some point, the right will again become our biggest domestic political problem.
   But it hasn't been our biggest problem over the course of the last decade.
   And it's unlikely to be our biggest problem again for awhile.
   Seems to me that we should remain allied with conservatives in order to beat back political correctness/Woketarianism...recognizing that there will undoubtedly come a point where we have to switch alliances again.
   Maybe that's the wrong way to think about it.
   Maybe rather: people like me are always allied with both extremes and fighting both extremes. It's just that, every now and then, the threat from one extreme is so eclipsed by that from the other that it appears that we're allied just with the former side against the latter.
   I'm generally averse to the religious right in particular, so that's what I tend to be concerned about.
   Also, I see that a lot of the generally secular anti-woke folks have become more friendly toward religion and, in some cases, have actually declared themselves Christians. (E.g. James Lindsay, Ayaan Hirsi Ali.)
   I'm certainly less hostile to religion generally and Christianity in particular than I was when younger. As I even said back in the day, seems to me that Christianity has largely been tamed by liberalism (in the broad sense, not the progressive sense). Islam generally remains dangerous. Christianity generally not. Generally...
   Discussing the inevitable backlash irritates me because it's one of the tactics the left uses to deflect criticism. But you can't let your crazy opponents dictate your responses.
   None of this means that I think we should take our eye off the PC left. That left, built as it is around Marxism, has ensconced itself deeply in universities, and it will not disappear in our lifetimes, if ever. Marxism is like a permanent, malevolent force seeking the destruction of liberalism and the West. Even if the anti-PC/anti-woke movement manages to push it back to something approaching the status quo ante--which I think is unlikely--it'll just fester, like Sauron in Mirkwood, building its power, becoming crazier and more evil, and exploring new lines of attack against humanity. Multiculturalism, DEI, (trans)gender ideology and the sexualization of children...I certainly didn't see any of these particular manifestations coming. We can guess at possibilities. Maybe it'll manifest itself as religion/superstition. I long argued that if political correctness came back, so would "New Age" woo. Sweet hypothesis...turned out false. But maybe that's the form the next wave will take. Neo-PC has taken over many churches...maybe a powerful religious left will emerge. Or maybe the conversion-to-Islam fad among the neo-Tumblrite women will catch on. Maybe transhumanism will go hard left. Transgenderism, after all, can be seen as a kindred view. Early on in the rise of NPC, there was something called "Atheism+," i.e. woke atheism.
   OTOH, maybe PC is now so firmly ensconced in the sciences that that will become its base of power.
   Maybe there'll be a really deadly pandemic more akin to the Spanish Flu. People like me will cantankerously refuse to wear the mask, take the vax, cower in place...and we'll all die out, ceding the field to the lefties...
   Or some other kind of game-changing disaster... (how's that for unspecific...?)
   We need an organization inside universities (etc.) to keep its finger on the pulse of the Orwellian left in order to predict its direction.

Blah, blah, blah.

Sunday, December 22, 2024

John Staddon: "Grading and Moral Hazard: A Modest Proposal"

Something's got to be done.

Ward Carroll: Super Hornet Shot Down by Cruiser in Apparent Friendly Fire Incident

 Pilot and WSO both ejected and are safe:

A MUST-READ: Park Macdougald, "The Democrats' Insanity Defense

The whole thing is right on the money.
In the September debate between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris, Trump said something so ludicrous that many viewers must have dismissed it out of hand. “She did things that nobody would ever think of,” Trump said, while rattling off a list of some of the vice president’s most radical past positions. “Now she wants to do transgender operations on illegal aliens that are in prison.”
The idea that the vice president “wants to do transgender operations on illegal aliens that are in prison” seemed so patently absurd that The New Yorker’s Susan Glasser cited it in a column posted the next morning as an example of Trump’s lunacy: “What the hell was he talking about?” Glasser wrote of the trans operation lines. “No one knows, which was, of course, exactly Harris’ point.”
That reaction was understandable—the idea of the operations was, as Trump himself said, a “thing nobody would ever think of.” The problem was that it is true. As CNN had reported that week, Harris, when running for the Democratic nomination in 2019, had written in an ACLU questionnaire that she supported publicly funded “gender-affirming care,” including transition surgeries, for federal prison inmates and detained illegal immigrants. Follow-up reporting from The Washington Free Beacon revealed that while serving as California attorney general, Harris had in fact implemented a statewide policy of taxpayer funding for prisoners’ sex changes, born out of a settlement in which she agreed to pay for the transition of a man convicted of kidnapping a father of three and then murdering him as he begged for his life. Harris later bragged, on camera, about this policy as evidence of her commitment to the progressive “movement”—in a clip that has since become a staple of Trump campaign ads.
The sequence of events neatly encapsulated a pattern that has played out countless times since Trump entered American political life. Trump says something seemingly insane, to many people’s outrage and disbelief, only to have his supposed “lie” revealed to be wholly or at least significantly true. Often the specific truth revealed—that the outgoing Obama administration spied on the Trump transition team in order to gather information for what later became the Russiagate hoax, to cite another example—is in fact “crazier” than Trump’s exaggerations or garbling of the details. The insanity of the policy becomes the front line of defense against potential blowback: Who would believe that anyone would actually propose or support something so obviously at odds with public opinion and basic common sense? Trump must be a raving nutjob, just like we told you he was.
The reason that this strategy has worked is because Democrats rely on all nonexplicitly right-wing media to adopt their framing of issues and cite the party’s preferred experts, which they do. The party’s influence over the country’s communications apparatus has, for the past decade, emerged into something like a political superpower, allowing it to act outside the normal bounds of American politics without suffering from political blowback.
“All of it,” said a Republican congressional staffer, “is insulated by their absolute confidence that they can just use their control over communications institutions to just say words, including change of language, right? Flip a switch and it’s now gender affirming care. Flip a switch and it’s now undocumented migrants, or undocumented Americans. Flip a switch and now you can change people’s pronouns.”
The result, for anyone skeptical of the Democratic Party yet bound to operate within the consensus reality of its discourse, is akin to living in a wilderness of mirrors. How to explain, for instance, that elected Democrats from the Biden White House on down support not only taxpayer-funded sex changes for prisoners and illegal aliens, but policies that allow schools to “socially transition” children without informing their parents? How to explain, without sounding like a lunatic, that the newspapers and expert bodies that recommend life-altering surgeries for children, and defend them as “life-saving” or “medically necessary” care opposed only by cranks and Bible thumpers, either don’t know what they’re talking about or are lying to you for political reasons? That the claim that such surgeries were rarely if ever performed on children was also a lie? That when President Biden, the kindly old moderate, directed his Department of Health and Human Services to address the “barriers and exclusionary policies” keeping children from accessing “gender medicine,” what he was describing was a policy that would see members of his own administration pressuring medical agencies to allow procedures such as breast and penis removal be performed on young children, despite the lack of any proof that these measures contribute to greater mental or physical health?
The same GOP staffer, who is currently working on a competitive congressional race, told me that one problem his campaign regularly faces is that aspects of Democratic governance are simply too insane for voters to find credible, even when they are documented as official U.S. government policy. “When you outline the Democratic agenda, you have to water it down, because in both polling and focus groups, people just don’t believe it,” he said. “They are critical of things like boys in girls’ sports, but they tune out stuff about schools not informing parents about transitioning their children. They just don’t believe it’s true. It can’t be.”

As Insty says, read the whole thing. 

Glynn Custred: Turning Anthropology from Science into Political Activism

Political correctness, anthropology style.  (from 2016)
Anthropology is a hotbed of PC/wokeness.
Don't know what it looks like from the inside, but from the outside their flagship crusade is in support of the virtually incoherent idea that races are "social constructs." In fact, races are almost certainly biological natural kinds. There are a lot of complications that I've discussed before. But that's the lead hypothesis, once you filter out the conceptual confusion and political bullshit.
They have, of course, simply labeled this view racist.
Which is absurd.
But I don't care so much about the particular outcome of that disagreement.
The really important thing is to oust political correctness from the debate--to make it a scientific (and to some extent philosophical) question about evidence and truth.
Let the specific outcome be what it may.
The current orthodoxy in Anth is bullshit, based largely on textbook fallacies. It survives because of the fog of confusion that social constructionism casts over every debate it touches...and because the biological kinds view has simply been decreed racist. That is: it has been decreed politically incorrect.
This is, of course, Lysenkoism, the name for PC when it manifests itself in science.

Mary Grabar: End the 1619 Project Indoctrination

NHJ herself openly admits that the aim of the 1619 project is political, not historical. It doesn't aim at truth, it aims at leftist, racialist political goals--primarily reparations.

Was "De Facto President Trump's Handling of the Shutdown Threat a Master Class"?

I don't know.
But David Marcus argues so.
I really don't understand much about such machinations.
But it does seem like a big, smart win to me--a win for the Trump team and for the country.
Needless to say, I could be wrong.

Jason Riley: All the News that's Suddenly Fit to Print--After the Election

NYT readers finally learn e.g. that Biden's policies spurred a wave of illegals entering the U.S.
   Did the press's ostentatious pro-blue/anti-red...and anti-Trump...bias play a role in Trump's victory?
Well, it did in my case.

Saturday, December 21, 2024

J.D. Tuccille: "The People Cheering Brian Thompson's Murder Can't Have the Medical Utopia They Want"

I'm astonished by the irrationality, ignorance, and viciousness on the left about this.
You think United Health Care is a rip off?
Don't. Buy. it.
Hell, don't buy health insurance at all.
See how that works out for you.

Sullum: Trump Mounts a 'Direct Assault on the First Amendment' by Portraying Journalism As Consumer Fraud

Yes, seems messed up to me.
Not that I understand anything about it.

Peer Into the Dark Recesses of the Democrats' Mind...If You Dare...: "Why Dems Can't Get Over the Grief of Losing to Trump"

There's a lot of hilarity and horror to be seen here. As is often the case, the Iron Law of Woke Projection is on display: the norm-busting, rule-breaking, CTRL-Left would like you to believe that it is the defender of norms, and of democracy, and of reason...
   Obama comes in for some ridicule because he's urged unity and understanding. Stupid Obama! Actually, that version of Obama is the version I was sold on...perhaps showing my stupidity/naivety...
   Anyway, of all the dumb and weird things in that piece, this sentence managed to stand out to me:
In a sharp essay and call to action in the New York Times, Jamelle Bouie considers the Democratic Party’s lack of urgency and reluctance to rise to the challenge of Trumpism and the larger right-wing (fake) populist authoritarian movement.
Among the bizarro ideas here:
[a] Jamelle Bouie allegedly wrote a sharp essay
[b] Democrats have been reluctant to oppose Trump[ism]
[c] "the right-wing (fake) populist authoritarian movement"
   Life on Blue Counter-Earth, I guess.
   I find it particularly amusing when people can't even refer to something without cramming in editorial comments (see e.g. the Wikipedia entry "Gamergate (Harassment Campaign)"). I mean, aside from the fact that the authoritarian tendencies of the contemporary right pale in comparison (so far...) to those of the contemporary left, it amuses me that the left can't seem to decide whether populism is bad per se, or only bad when it's "right wing." Maybe that's not even populism anymore!
    It's not that the thing is worth reading, unless you're driven by the same kind of morbid curiosity that drives me to read such crap.

Dartmouth's Bottom-Up Approach to Institutional Neutrality

Henry Stone: How Colleges and Universities Get Around DEI Bans

Friday, December 20, 2024

Smithsonian: Best History of 2024

   All such lists look the same now.

And So It Begins:: Jonathan Chait: How Liberal America Came To Its Senses

Chait is alright.
He got dogpiled by the shrieking banshee horde for his long-ago piece "Not a Very PC Thing to Say." He seemed shaken by that, and seemed--to me anyway--to move leftward/wokeward...probably to save his career.
I tried to email him once, and he was kind of an asshole.
But, hey, NBD.

My advice, consistent with what I've said for a long, long time: 

Eschew irrational exuberance.

Political correctness (Chait uses the correct term), or Woketarianism, or the illiberal left, or the Cult, or whatever we want to call it is not dead yet.

It still exercises great power over our institutions, and is virtually unchallenged in academia.

As I've noted many times: we thought we beat paleo-PC ca. the late '90s...only to have it rise again ca. 2013, crazier and much, much stronger. Almost out of the blue it took over the culture with a set of ideas so flat-out insane that it was virtually impossible to believe that anyone took them seriously...but it certainly seemed there for awhile like everyone did...

The Cult isn't dead.

It's just restin'

In fact, that isn't even clear.

DEI has taken a hit, transanity has taken a hit, and the election of Trump is a real body blow...but neo-PC is not down, and it's not out.
Returning to the status quo ante is not going to be easy.
They'll fight a rearguard action, and fight viciously to keep some of the territory they've gained.
Even if we do completely drive them back, in all probability they'll rise again in a few years and try again to destroy us.
Remember that the--or one of the--hearts of this beast is Marxism.
And that shit has been trying to destroy us for 150 years.
Even if, a few years from now, we can declare victory, the odds that this plague of madness will be gone for good are small, IMO.

Not to be a wet blanket--I'm very, very happy that we've struck back.

But don't get cocky.

Thursday, December 19, 2024

MUST READ: David Samuels: How Obama Build an Omnipotent Political Machine, and How It Was Destroyed

I only understand this stuff from a different angle, from the perspective of academia generally and philosophy in particular. Roughly: the development of the array of deranged, pseudoscientific, Orwellian ideas. The other aspect of this--the role of the elite, progressive-and/or-liberal, Democrat apparatus...the stuff on which Samuels focuses...well, all that was completely invisible to me until recently. I'm basically clueless about it.
So I can't say that he's right...
But: big if true.
Damn interesting.
One of the most interesting popular political essays I've read in a long time, I think.

I voted for Obama twice. Donated lots of money. Volunteered lots of time.
I don't consider him to be thoroughly bad. I still think he's got the right demeanor to be President, and that's important. I voted for him largely because I was ignorant of his alleged Orwellian-left beliefs and sympathies. And, of course, Samuels could be wrong about it...but I wouldn't guess that he's entirely wrong.
And: I still thought that the Dems were basically the good guys.
And: I was still on an anti-GOP jihad that was largely fueled by the lie-up to the Iraq war.
I really considered McCain...but the Sarah Palin choice nixed that.
I also voted for him because he was black. I would have denied it at the time, but it's true.

Dumb, dumb, dumb.

WSJ: Good Riddance to the 118th Congress

Dershowitz/Stein: What Trump can do About "Sanctuary Cities"

Mostly it turns on the supremacy clause, but there's other interesting stuff in here.

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Liz Cheney's Secret Discussions with January 6th Witness Merit Investigation

Galston: Higher Ed is in Trouble

So many of us have been saying this for a long time.

Tuesday, December 17, 2024


So, none of these are my points, but they're floating around:
   The Postal Clause (Article 1, section 8) gives Congress the power to establish post offices and post roads. But it doesn't mandate them.
   Consistency ad hominem: some Dems are freaking out about the idea of abolishing USPS...but also on the war path to eliminate the EC.
   You can't abolish USPS...it's in the Constitution!
   The EC, however...
   I don't have much of a view about the USPS, other than that the burden of proof is squarely on those who want to abolish it. I'm skeptical...but some things are going to have to go if we're going to avoid a debt catastrophe.
   As for eliminating the EC: hard no.
   The Democrats are now pushing all of the following: packing/expanding SCOTUS, term limits for justices, abolishing the EC, abolishing the filibuster.
   Not to mention: repealing the Second Amendment.
   And, IMO: repealing the First Amendment--or at least eviscerating it--isn't far behind.
   If they were to get their preferred outcomes, they'd have a clear road to unchecked, near-revolutionary change that would be tantamount to the destruction of the U.S.
   And this isn't yet to mention de facto open borders, unchecked DEI and the rest of the radioactive stew of contemporary progressivism.
   Rapid, poorly-considered change is a blueprint for disaster. Conservatives are just right about that point.

Post-Election Polling Suggests Reason for Harris Loss

I don't really understand this, honestly.
   The results seem inconsistent to me, and I'm not interested enough to try to disentangle the actual results from the authors' hypotheses about resolving the inconsistency.
   It's too easy to read one's own biases into such stuff. So, e.g., I'd be inclined to think, inter alia, that:
[1] Voters are concerned about "mis-/dis-information"...but many of them recognize that it's a bigger problem on the left than on the right.
[2] The Biden administration was actually counterproductive. Government would be more effective if it just didn't do so much harm.
   But, again, it's natural to reason thusly: I think party P believes and does the following dumb things: x, y, z. So P believing and doing x, y, z is why they lost.
   The Dems have gone crazy (IMO, as you know) and it's hard for me to believe that didn't play a significant role. In fact, I'm surprised and concerned that they didn't lose by more. My inclination is to think it's because they were running against Trump, who naturally and (to some extent) rationally repels many voters. I'd hope that e.g. DeSantis would have won in a real landslide...but honestly I'm not at all sure that would happen.
   Also Harris and Walz were just terrible candidates. Left to guess, I'd guess that the boys/girls/others in the Dem marketing department maybe realized early on that Harris was terrible, and decided to roll the dice on a "vibes" campaign. But I have no idea.

Monday, December 16, 2024

Dems Still Can't Admit Why They Lost: Elie Mystal & Isabella Weber at The Nation

[warning! The Nation! LOL!]
Mystal is some combination of dumb and dogmatic, so reading anything he writes is just rubbernecking at a logical train wreck.
His explanation, which comes as a surprise to exactly no one, is: RACISM AND MISOGYNY!!!
Weber, who at least I don't know anything about, says, basically, Insufficient socialism! 
Which is roughly equivalent to saying Let's make our poors poorer because look how angrifyingly rich our riches are! Er...not exactly what she says. But you know what I mean.
Of course the losers never want to admit that their fundamental, guiding ideas caused them to lose.
And, even if they do--a little bit--it'll be because the voters are stupid and bad.
And, I mean, if the voters had voted in favor of Woketarian culticism, I'd be doing the same thing.
Now, just because party D believes that p, that doesn't mean that their belief that p was responsible for their loss.
However, I think it's pretty damn clear that the Orwellian lunacy behind which the Dems have been rallying for a decade played some role in their loss. And not a minor one, I'd add.
Now, if the Dems keep going down this insane road, and losing because of it, that's ok.
But they'll also win sometimes, probably.
And I'd rather have two sane political parties.
I'd rather have a sane alternative to the Republicans.
The nation must shake off the mind virus of political correctness/Woketarianism.
Even if the Dems remain dumb, better that they represent a dumb-but-not-insane alternative to the Pubs.
And, look, there are unsavory forces rising on the right. They're going to be a problem soon.

One of those problems is racism.
Only for so long can the powers that be ignore the real problems with so many American blacks--e.g. crime, violence, and underperformance both academically and economically. Non-black Americans did go many years ignoring these things...until the left began blaming them for those problems. Adopting the official dogma that whites are responsible for all the problems of blacks turned out, surprise, to be a falsehood too far.
And now a lot of people--mostly men, I think--out there are basically fed up with it. And that anger is coming out in forms both reasonable and unreasonable.
The refusal of the left to even consider the possibility that blacks might be responsible for any of their problems, its overt antiwhite racism, and its insistence that whites are evil and at fault...well...too much. In the face of such lies, no everyone can perfectly calibrate their response.
A rational backlash against the madness of the left is in progress...but so is an irrational backlash against it.

Sunday, December 15, 2024

UFOs Over NJ

What's going on?

Trump, the Once and Future President, Again Time's Man of the Year

Now, one can object that Presidents-elect are always the MoY...oh, so-rry...PoY...and that you don't have to be good (YOU KNOW WHO ELSE WAS MAN OF THE YEAR?????)...
Trump is the MoY in spades.

God, I hope he doesn't fuck things up...

Thursday, December 12, 2024

Christian Sneider:: We are Living in a Comic Book: Our Villains are Growing More Theatrical as Our Heroes Are Shunned

Moonbats are fawning over Brian Thompson's murderer while vilifying Daniel Penny.
   See e.g. the truly loathsome Elizabeth Warren.
   Really, at this point, progressivism is flirting with becoming the Joker or Doctor Doom of political parties. Between fostering chaos, prosecuting and persecuting those who fight back, brainwashing and mutilating children, and attempting to destroy the social fabric...really...they're starting to need a super villain to personify them. How about Dr. Sinistre...Ph.D. in critical chaos theory...nonbinary, polymorphously perverse, pronouns eve/evil/evilself...
Ok, needs work.
But, really.
   Surely, at some point, even the most committed cultist has to at least entertain the thought that they've become the bad guys...
   The obvious adjunct to this theory is: Donald Trump, anti-hero...

Peter Skerry: Mr. Trump, Give Up On That Wall

I'm no expert, obvs, but I suppose I'm given to understand that several different approaches will be necessary--fencing in some places and some version of E-Verify...probably others.

Belichick Confirmed to Carolina


Lord knows hoops has become unwatchable...

Trump: Canada, the 51st State

Aka North North Dakota.

Not even going to bother to link.
Somewhat funny.
Funnier only because the President-elect said it.
Bad judgment.
This is the kind of joke you have to pass up when you're President or near to it.
I'm kind of a humor consequentialist, and I'd be willing to bend the principle for a really funny joke.
This was only meh though.

OTOH, I guess you could say that somebody's got to slap some sense in the Canuks.
Though this really seems orthogonal...
You'd think there wouldn't by much farther down to go from electing Trudeau.
Now we've got: we're confiscating your guns...
...and sending them to Ukraine.
I dunno.
Maybe showing outright contempt for them at this point might do some good.
Obviously I'm not terribly serious about this.

Wednesday, December 11, 2024


Daniel Penny and that Luigi Murderer Guy

Daniel Penny: saves people from a lunatic, persecuted for a year by racist moonbat Alvin Bragg.
That other guy: spineless shit who murders a man by shooting him in the back, then executing him.
Women on Twixxer: Ooh, that murderer is sooo dreaaaamy....
That's just gross.

I'm no judge of male beauty, but Penny looks like big, strapping dude who you'd think would be at least in the running as the object of such attitudes.
But what do I know?

Bill Belichick to Carolina?

Academia: If the Left Keeps Collapsing and the Right is Ascendant

Well, you know.
If the left keeps losing power and the right gains more influence...even if the former remains much more influential...academia's response will be to hit the rhetorical panic button, declaring, in effect, that it must be the spokesman for the left. No matter what happens, academia will spin it into a reason for "centering" or "foregrounding" (their stupid terms) leftist thought. 
   Or, y'know, it won't give any reason at all.
   Academia is the source of the mind virus, and its main vector of infection.
   Needless to say, I'm not in favor of suppressing leftist thought. But universities--especially public universities--at least have an obligation to make their bias known. There needs to be some reliable system of rating them for bias. Actually, I think Heterodox Academy has a system already.
   Universities--especially public ones--also have an obligation to maintain institutional neutrality with respect to controversial issues. But that's not going to happen at most schools now. So at least they need to make their biases known. Or somebody else needs to do it for them.
   Ideally, states and alumni need to cut funds and donations to universities with leftist bias.
   Schools care about (a) reputation and (b) money. And the two are related.
   At any rate. When the cultural pendulum swings leftward, academia will ride the wave...in fact, it'll commonly have started the wave. When the culture swings rightward, it'll represent itself as the brave and lonely voice of dissent and the downtrodden.
   But the most important thing here: states need to take the money away.

Monday, December 09, 2024

The Nation: Biden Should Issue a Blanket Pardon of [Illegal Aliens]

This is the logical--in an attenuated sense of 'logic'--end of their views about borders and immigration.
In the end, they won't be satisfied so long as the USA still exists.

Trump Shreds Kristin Welker

I avoid videos with those X SHREDS Y titles...and we don't see the whole video here...but...yeah...Trump comes across very, very well in what we see here. He seems almost...dare I say?...statesmanlike at some points...:

Ukrainians Just Want the War to be Over, But Aren't Allowed to Say It

Seems to me that the right has, once again, somehow managed to be righter than the left.
Some conservatives veered over into weirdly pro-Putiny territory for awhile.
And I absolutely sympathized with the pro-Ukrainian fervor on the left for awhile.
But when it became we should fight to the last Ukranian...that was too much.
It long ago became a meat grinder.
And Ukrainians themselves seem to have concluded it's not worth it.
I'm certainly no expert--not by a long shot.
But I get the feeling that, as is so often the case today, the experts don't know much more than the rest of us.
At any rate, I long ago started to think that Trump was right, and ending this ought to be priority 1.
There hasn't seemed to be much hope of Ukrainian victory for some time--though the blue team has seemed stubbornly resistant to admitting this.
I do think that, to some extent, conservatives just picked the side opposite the side that the blues picked...
So I don't think them being right on this one counts that much in their favor.
But, anyway, my fairly ignorant current view is that it would be good for this to just stop.
There'll be opportunities in the future to get the territory back for Ukraine.
If Putin hasn't learned a lesson from this, I'm not sure what would teach him.
Russia's losses have been staggering.
But, thing is, so have Ukraine's...

Joseph Feldblum and Sammy Feldblum: A Moronic, Politicized Response to Deresiewicz and Clune

My God this is stupid.
I'm going to try to resist the urge to go through this idiotic piece of shit paragraph-by-paragraph...but it ain't gonna be easy...
This is one of the many problems with cultists educated beyond the ordinary capacity of their intelligence--they can fight logorrheic delaying actions that provide excuses for those already passionately committed to not facing facts...even after the basic facts should be clear to everyone.
Their basic, fatuous argument is that Woketarianism really isn't to blame for the Democrats' recent drubbing, and academia isn't to blame for woketarianism...in fact...the politicization of academia is coming from the right! And the Dems lost because they didn't go far enough left!
Honestly, with something like this, it's rarely clear how much of it is attributable to the authors' slavish commitment to the Woketarian cult, and how much to them just being rather dim bulbs.
One of the most brainless bits is just another version of the x is political argument in its academia is political form. As is standard in such arguments all sorts of different relations are confused and conflated, so that any link to politics whatsoever--no matter how distant, no matter the relation, and no matter which directly the causal arrow (if any) might point--counts as an argument for x being political. Academia gets money from the government and the government is political! Academia has investments and investments are about money and money something something political! 'Academia' has vowels in it and so does 'political'!!!11111 SEE?????
Politicization is one of the biggest problems in play. The other one is the adoption of literary standards of "reasoning" that replace logic with, basically, free association...
And, of course, starting with one's conclusions and working backwards to accept whatever weak-ass reasons might be required to provide the illusion of support for them.

Americans Should Do Everything Legal to Make the Lives of Alvin Bragg, Dafna Yoran Miserable...Forever

Bragg and Yoran are (anti-white--not that the particular flavor matters much) racists who tried to put Daniel Penny in prison for fifteen years for defending the lives of innocent people from a violent lunatic.
   I am, of course, not advocating anything illegal. But, within the bounds of the law, we should make it a project to make Bragg's and Yoran's lives miserable to the very end--assuming, of course, they don't sincerely recant their insane views and try to make amends to Penny. However, barring that, I'd be happy for them to never have another moment's peace.
   Yes, this is the strategy of insane woketarian cancel culture...but a big difference is: they're wrong and we're right. They want to destroy people's lives for minor deviations from their insane dogmas. Bragg and Yoran are racist woketarian cultusts trying to ruin the life of an innocent--even heroic--man...and destroy the United States to boot.
   We should probably add BLM loon Hawk Newsome and Lysenkoist medical examiner Cynthia Harris to the list.
   You may notice a certain injudicious zealotry in this post...
   My patience the Cult--however little I may have had before--has run out.

Daniel Penny Acquitted on All Charges

Actual justice trumps "social" "justice"...this time...

Sunday, December 08, 2024

Leftists Cheer for the Murder of Brian Thompson, CEO of United Health Care

If the product weren't a winning proposition, people probably wouldn't buy it.
My insurance has been beneficial, I believe, though I've never done a cost-benefit analysis...not that I could.
Maybe that makes me unobjective.
I certainly understand that being denied lifesaving medical care for JQ would make me lose my mind.
The left generally seems to think that resources are unlimited.
They need to take an economics class.
Also, they've generally become vicious as hell.
Worse than the right?
I don't know.
Does that matter?

UNC 91 - MSU 94 / UNC 79 - Bama 94 / UNC 68 - Tech 65

North Carolina is not a good basketball team this year.
No front court to speak of, for one thing.
But also, apparently, no plan.
Just a lot of standing around looking confused.

Victory Against the Politically Correct / Orwellian / Woketarian Left

So...this is basically all I've been thinking about, talking about and writing about for, what, a decade now?
   I've gotten sore at friends of mine who have been casually asserting for five or six years that it was collapsing. As I pointed out to them--it wasn't.
   But people did start to slowly wake up and speak up. One turning-point seems to have been COVID and parents seeing the abject insanity their kids were being taught. Students for Fair Admissions was another. The re-election of Trump seems to have been another. And Elon buying and fixing Twixxer.
   Finally, I'm optimistic.
   The insane house of cards seems to be collapsing.

   Except that's a bad analogy.
   Political correctness / woketarianism / Orwellian totalitarianism...there's still no great name for this phenomenon. PC or neo-PC (conveniently 'NPC's, another nickname for them) remains the best to my mind. Or my other weak effort, the postpostmodern mishmash. 'Prope-Marxism' might not be terrible.
   Never mind.
   It's not a house of cards. It's an insane, cultish, political quasi-religion that aims to subvert and destroy Western civilization, liberalism, capitalism, and the United States. It's honed its skills over decades at least, it's captured huge swaths of the intelligentsia and schools and academia, and it's deeply dug-in. It's captured almost all our institutions and one major political party. The media is its propaganda arm. This institutional capture extends even to the military.
   As I've said many times: I do not expect to win one big, sweeping victory against it.
   Even if we start winning big--as I expect us to do--it won't be the end.
   It'll be more like the ongoing battle against evil than like a Battle of the Black Gate.
   I'd be happy to be wrong.
   The Court's decision in Skrmetti will be big. I'm worried about Roberts and Gorsuch. But I haven't been following it that closely.

   Anyway. It's been a good year or so for the good guys. Obviously all the standard predictions apply: there'll probably be setbacks. Even if we keep winning, people will get distracted--but the Cult won't. It's already looking for ways to hide and new angles of attack, you can be sure. The right is also crazy, so it'll go too far--guaranteed. Which will be bad in itself, and which will help the NPCs.

   There are already cracks in the alliance. James Lindsay--always a sort of dicey force for good--has spun off into his own little world nattering about 'the woke right'--an idea that doesn't make no sense, but which I consider an error. We went through this bad in the day with the term 'political correctness of the right.'

   Anyway. This is an even less-well-thought-out post than most.

   But I'm feeling much better about all this these days.

[Well, one sort of sour note--of course! I've long said three things in this context re: transanity:
[1] There will be a "reckoning," especially when twenty-something girls start snapping out of this to find that they have ruined their bodies--many will be infertile, many have had their breasts cut off. The Cult mutilated them. The wave of lawsuits has already begun.
[2] But many of them--and their parents (mostly: mothers) will constitute a hard core of resistance that will likely never go away. For many of them--and their mothers--it will be easier to hold onto the lie than it will be to admit that they mutilated themselves or their children. What will happen with the intellectual tip of this spear, radical feminists and "queer" theorists, I do not know.
[3] This will probably all repeat itself some day when medical technology improves. As I've said many times, if you could flip a switch or take a pill and genuinely, perfectly change your sex, probably no one but the religious right would object. But that's not realistic. I expect this will never be completely squashed. Once the medical technology is sort of there, they'll keep trying to improve it. Especially the true believers. I'd guess it will slowly get a lot better--but reversibility will remain more difficult. They'll keep mutilating adults until it's not clearly mutilation anymore...then they'll come for the kids again...
Well, anyway.
On that cheery note...]

Saturday, December 07, 2024

Pearl Harbor Day + 83

Jesus Christ.

83 years.

Hard to believe.

Don't Forget Robert Hoogland, the Canadian Man Jailed for Calling His Daughter His Daughter

Speaking truth about "gender" is thoughtcrime, bigots.

The Progressive Left Tries to Save Woketarianism in the Face of Electoral Whuppin'

They're just pathetic at this point.

Hegseth's Colleagues: Booze Story is "Horseshit"

Clifton Duncan on the Hysterical Meltdown of the Bluegeoisie

Robby Soave on The Hill on Kash Patel

I'm torn on Kash...but he sure does seem to have a high upside.
I don't like precipitous change (like turning the Hoover building into a museum of the deep state...)...and I'm not qualified to assess he suggestion about sending all its 7k denizens out into the country to catch crooks...but...in general...I like the way he's thinking,
   Counterpoint: Bill Barr says he's extremely unqualified for the job.
   So, in general, I'm with Robbie on this one. Though his new trial sidekick raises good points too (and some bad ones):

And as for this "woke right" nonsense: there's no such thing. The right's got its own problems...though several of them are the same basic problems the left has. Anyway. Woke right is not a helpful concept, IMO. Though I certainly agree that we don't want to just switch the FBI from being a tool of the left to being a tool of the right...

Friday, December 06, 2024

Daniel Penny Hung Jury?

He's innocent.
I hope the sane people on the jury hold the line.

USA: Lit

Canada Bans More Models of "Assault Rifles"

Canada is a slightly wimpier/leftier USA without the First and Second Amendments.
The State is transing their kids, cramming in third-world immigrants, putting them in jail for wrongspeak, and taking their guns.
They'd be better off as the 51st state, honestly.

Thursday, December 05, 2024

KBJ is an Idiot

My God she has no business being one of the Supremes.

Wednesday, December 04, 2024

U.S. v Skrmetti: Transanity at SCOTUS

I do think (FWIW) that there is some merit to the central argument of Bostock, as I said at the time. I predicted it might be the argument. I mean, the conclusion was kooky...but the argument isn't insane. So the ruling didn't surprise me much. Though I don't remember predicting that Gorsuch would go for it. I'm sorry he did...but he may be right. He's a legal expert and I'm not.
   Unfortunately, however, I also thought it would cause this general kind of problem down the line.
   Just as transanity is in retreat, losing this case would be a serious blow. Or so it seems.
   But, of course, rooting for conclusions is not such a great thing to do. I rail against other people for getting mad about rulings without knowing or understanding the arguments.
   However, the counterargument seems overwhelmingly obvious. The relevant kind of equality isn't sex-blind: different kinds of medical care are appropriate for males and females. To say "well, we give testosterone to boys sometimes, so we have to give it to girls, too" is rather like saying "well, we cut off people's legs if they have cancer or get into horrible car wrecks...so I guess we've got to cut off this kid's legs, too, if he asks for it..."
   Ruling that employers must be sex-indifferent to clothing is very different than arguing that doctors must be sex-indifferent in providing medical care...
   Whether/how this sort of thing shows up in the law, I do not know.

Tuesday, December 03, 2024

Migrant Caravan Racing to U.S. Border to Arrive Ahead of Trump's Inauguration

This tells you much of what you need to know about the respective border policies of Biden and Trump.
Biden, of course, has been trying to move toward rationality in the eleventh hour...but, well, fuck him to be honest. I'd like to say he's not fooling anybody...but we know that about 30-40% of our countrymen want to be fooled by the Dems...and that's almost all it takes.

Eli Lake: The Real Hunter Biden Scandal


The Bidens were engaged in influence peddling, Hunter has been preemptively pardoned, and Trump was impeached for investigating.

House Investigation Supports the Lab-Leak Hypothesis

Jurors Begin Deliberating in Alvin Bragg's Racist Prosecution of Daniel Penny

Utter madness.

Antiwhite racism is out of control.

Sohrab Ahmari: Smearing Pete Hegseth

How dumb I am
How good the MSM is at this stuff:

Even after all these years of relentless lies, when I first heard about the anti-Hegseth stories, I thought Oh, great...another unforced error...
  Showing that (a) I'd at some level / to some degree accepted the Gaetz accusations and (d) ditto the Hegseth ones.
   I'm still just stupid credulous about the media. I still think that e.g. the NYT is unlikely to just make up outrageous accusations.
   When we know that's exactly what they do.
   Now, I'm willing to believe such accusations.
   I'm in no way a dogmatic Trump partisan.
   I'm already skeptical about a lot of his proposed nominees.
   But I've got to get it through my head that, with respect to Trump and his penumbra: the MSM saying that p is basically no evidence that p is true.
   At most, it might be a reason to look into whether p.
   The rape accusation against Hegseth was a good example. The accusation falls apart with about two minutes of investigation...but that's not the way it was represented in the MSM...
   They are the propaganda arm of the Democrat party.
   I've got to keep that firmly in mind.

Turley: Biden Cloaks His Legacy in Infamy with Hunter Pardon


I sort of thought this was D.C. bullshit business as usual until I found out that Hunter got a blanket pardon that covers everything--even stuff as-yet undiscovered--across a 10-year period.
Thus Joe is also protecting himself, helping insure that the Biden family influence-peddling operation is never investigated.
Twixxer is absolutely awash in lefties cheering this on, incidentally.

Monday, December 02, 2024

Joe Pardons His Son/Partner-in-Crime

...to the surprise of absolutely no one.

Is this more of an outrage than your standard outrageous Presidential pardon?
Not sure.

Eli Lake: Gabbard Sometimes "Weak and Credulous," But No "Russian Asset"

Sunday, December 01, 2024

The Great Shoe0nHead From Way Back in 2017: Watching Buzzfeed-Tier Videos and Drinking


Carolina 30 - State 35

I don't usually post football scores, but (a) that was Mack's last game, (b) it was a good one.

Congratulations, State, you f***ers...

Breitbart: Starmer: UK Has Been the Subject of an "Open Borders Experiment" Imposed by Design

So we've been right all along.
The responsible parties deserve prison--or exile.
Something else the right is right about: demography is destiny.

[Oh and another thing the right is right about: the Great Replacement is real.
As I've said before: they've been giddily discussing it for years...though they call it "The Browning of America." (Though above we're speaking of the UK.)  Biden has admitted that he wants it to happen.
They won't be satisfied until whites are a minority in their own nations to the same extent they are globally. 
And achieving that will make us even more of a global minority...and thus we'll have to be reduced to even more of a minority in their home countries...
The vanguard of the left makes it very clear that they want to eliminate whites. The almost could not be clearer about it. The more centrist left doesn't even realize what its own agendas really are, nor who is setting them.
Even when progressives do glimpse these facts, they basically judge that it's better for their civilization and race to die off than to be accused of racism...as anyone who acknowledges any of these facts surely will be...]

David Zimmerman on Kash Patel and Christopher Wray

I know people who are psyched about Patel. And the little I know about him I like. But, cautious by nature about such things, it would seem to me that Wray (a Trump appointee) is one of the guys I'd rather keep in place.
I'm ok with putting Patel somewhere...just not sure FBI is the place...nor about unproven appointments in so many places.

Fred Bauer: How the Left Doomed Itself

Seems reasonable, but involves some inside baseball stuff I don't have a good grip on.

Are "Liberals" Rushing for Vasectomies After Trump's Win?

[1] I doubt it.
[2] The numbers are allegedly from Planned Parenthood. Consider the source.
[3] They're really progressives...but I probably make too much of that largely terminological point.
[4] The left is so cultish that it wouldn't actually astonish me if there were some truth somewhere in this.

WhatIfAltHist: The Anthropology of the Left

This video is pretty damn interesting IMO:

Researcher Refuses to Publish Own Study on Puberty Blockers...b/c It Showed No Psychological Benefit

In the words of the excellent J.K. Rowling:

RPj: The Politicization of the American University