Monday, December 04, 2023

Frank Miele: The Potemkin Presidency of Joe Biden

A take clearly from the right--but one with which I basically agree.
As I said long before the election of '20: Biden isn't an extreme progressive, but there's not enough of him left to oppose the extreme progressives that we knew would inevitably populate his administration. The madness now pervades the blue team.
   It's hard to pick the biggest outrage. I might say it's the (depending on how you count it) nearly $2 trillion spent in the service of climate pseudoscience, disguised as "inflation reduction" and "infrastructure" spending. But there's a strong case to be made that it's throwing the gates of the country open to the flood of illegals--four trillion or so to date.
   Though I suppose it's really probably the general, across-the-board promotion of Woketarian madness from the Department of Education to the military. How many more childrent have been brainwashed with (trans)gender ideology and sexually mutilated under Biden than would have been under a Republican President pushing back against the dogma? Hm. Wait. The answer is: I don't know. But more, obviously.
   But once we get started on this, where do we stop? The maniacal pursuit of even the most inconsequential participants in the Capitol Riot. The characterization of political opponents, including parents pushing back against gender ideology, as "white supremacists" and "terrorists." The on-going efforts to create a global Ministry of Truth to combat "disinformation"--i.e. wrongthink...
   Really hard to pick.


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