Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Apparently It's "National Pronouns Day"

Of course they don't mean pronouns. This isn't a day dedicated to pronouns. What they mean is: it's a day to further progressive-left (trans)gender ideology, by focusing on their crackpot view of pronouns. It won't be about learning about pronomial reference in actual languages--which is somewhat interesting, actually. It's about a tiny slice of the subject...and a made-up, non-actual slice at that. This is like declaring a day "story day," when it's really an effort to promote drag queen story hours. Or declaring a day "race day" when it's really about one crackpot leftist view of race. Or saying "Tuesday is clothing day!," when it's really dedicated to pushing the political argument that if you dress like a woman, you are a woman...
Jeez these people.


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