Saturday, October 22, 2022

Could a Midterm Thrashing Help Move Dems Back Toward the Center?

No link; just pretty obvious speculation.
Of course they'll blame "messaging" if they do get thrashed. Both parties always do that. It's never bad ideas or bad policies. It's always a failure to "get their message out." Their policies and ideas are almost always good...they just can't get the voters to see that... 
But there've already been warnings and grumblings from old-school Dems like James Carville about the Woketarians wrecking the party. So, even if they don't admit it publicly, a red wave will almost certainly strengthen the case of the remaining Dem centrists. 
Of course to really bring that about, Pubs will probably have to win big--taking the Senate and taking more than a midterm-average number of seats in the House. Otherwise the Woketarians will have a strong case: nothing out of the ordinary happened, so that's reason to stay the course. Or at least it's not reason not to. If Dems do lose big, the radicals will blame Biden's unpopularity. And they can claim that it's his alleged centrism that's to blame. 
Ultimately, we need two sane parties. Currently I'd say we have about 0.5. The Pubs, subtracting Trump and the fringe, are what we have to hang our hopes on. A suboptimal state of affairs, to say the least.


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