Sunday, April 24, 2022

Park MacDougald: The Last of the Conservative Elite

   My current view on populism is roughly: it is, in an important sense, intrinsically neither good nor bad. Whether it's good or bad depends on the ideas of the people and of the elites. Currently, our elites are the progressive elites. Period. And they are effectively insane. Period. I don't seem to know many ordinary people anymore. But I grew up a normal person among normal people. Unless they, too, have completely lost their shit in the last thirty years, it would, indeed, be better to be governed by the first 2,000 people named in the phone book than by the Harvard University faculty... (Note: maybe not Boston. But at least e.g. Witchita or some other such place...)
   Also I rather disagree with MacDougald on Trump, unsurprisingly. Yes, he's a man of many failings. But Biden and Clinton and any plausible Democrat would be worse. Not stylistically, but substantively. And people need to suck it up with respect to their inability to see beyond the stylistic nonsense. Biden is substantively a catastrophe--as I knew and said he would be. Mainly because there's not enough of him left to stand up against the Woketarian cult. And: the left is the one prosecuting the culture war. Trump was a counterpunch. It's tantamount to surrender to say Well, we can't have him again or the left will--again--refuse to allow him to govern. I mean: don't want him again. But I think it's madness to be more averse to Trump's personal failings than to [Name any Dem likely to win the nomination]'s substantive failings. It baffles me that no one thinks that Russiagate (or, more propertly: Russiagategate) is worse than Trump. Because it was. Just to name one thing...
   Anyway. Worth a read.


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