Friday, April 22, 2022

Nick Gillespie Interviews Jay Bhattacharya on Batflu Madness

Pretty early on I found myself agreeing with Bhattacharya. A lot. Of course I'm the farthest thing there is from being an expert about such stuff. But it was clear from relatively early in 2020 that the COVID orthodoxy was going off the rails. And the Great Barrington Declaration was, so far as I could tell, eminently sane. I tried to talk sense to friends and colleagues when they started drinking the Kool-Aid. But soon it became clear that it wasn't worth it. I was like a fourth-rate, amateur Bhattacharya in a tiny pond. At every point I've tried to soften the most extreme of the bad reactions of my department and university--always to no avail. In fact, so far as I can tell, almost no one mired in the progressive fever swamp even acknowledges they were wrong about anything about COVID. My university shut down in-person classes for over a year and just now dropped the last of its mask deaths from COVID: one. A later-middle-age faculty-member. Zero students. And we're a fairly large university. It still hasn't recovered. Now we're paying the price for high school shut-downs--our freshmen this year don't know how to school. They basically don't come to class, don't say anything, don't do anything. Just about everyone agrees that they seem, overall, to be damn near a lost cause.


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