Saturday, October 16, 2021

McAuliffe Is Lying: CRT Is Taught In VA Schools


McAuliffe's lying...progressives, Dems, and teachers' unions are all lying. CRT is absolutely being taught in VA schools--and probably in every state. 
   Though, again: the problem really isn't CRT. CRT is just the currently-most-glamorous manifestation of the bigger view--a view that doesn't have a name: it's the big, radioactive stew of bad philosophy and bad politics that has been metastasizing on the intellectual and political left for 35 years at least. Marxism, some existentialism, postmodernism, critical theory, post-colonialism, Foucault, Derrida...they all get kind of smooshed together, and smooshed together with the radical politics of the left. What you get is an incoherent mess of Marxism, pseudoscience, skepticism, relativism, nihilism, radical feminism, gender mythology/ideology, identity politics...basically an incoherent combination of views held together only by anti-Western, anti-liberal (in the broad sense), and anti-rationalist orientations. It's the whole, nutty package of leftist philosophy and politics, in which different aspects come to the foreground, depending on fads on the left. Postmodernism, feminism, and "multiculturalism" used to predominate. Now it's "diversity" and CRT. 
   If you think that stuff isn't being taught in VA--and every other state--you're completely in the dark. That whole mass of radical ideas dominates much of academia--and it's strongest where intellectual standards are weakest. And no discipline has lower intellectual standards than Ed schools.


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