Friday, October 15, 2021

Behold, The Latest From Great Kendi!


He's got a sort of a point--not an original one: it may sometimes be permissible to take race into account. Color-blindness is an ideal, but there may be cases in which it's permissible to suspend it--e.g. if affirmative action based on race is ever permissible.
But then there's this:
   And yet, the second assassination is about King and hardly about King at all. If Mandel is an avatar of the snipers, then King is an avatar of history. The second assassination of King is the latest assassination of history. The war on science, on expertise, on facts, on journalism, on democracy necessitates a concomitant war on history. And the war on history is the war on education—as history is essentially educational. If an anti-racist King can be turned into a color-blind conservator of racism, then anyone and anything from history can be assassinated. Pro-slavery Founding Fathers can be recast as having been “against slavery.” Racist Confederate rebels can be recast as “not racist” heroes deserving of monuments in town squares.
  Assassinating the reality of the past assassinates the reality of the present (and creates a new simulated reality). In this simulated reality, critical race theory can be warped into being like Jim Crow. Anti-American insurrectionists who attacked the U.S. Capitol on January 6 can be presented as pro-American patriots. Education can be turned into indoctrination, and indoctrination can be turned into education. Teaching children that there’s nothing special about their skin color can be turned into teaching children to hate their skin color. People organizing and writing against racism can be portrayed as “race politics profiteers,”
as Mandel sadistically framed Bernice King.
Political correctness means never having to say that you're completely f*cking full of shit. 
   I mean...of course there is a war on science...on facts, on journalism, on education... What's astonishing is that anyone can be so delusional as to think that it's the right that's conducting that/those war/s... Which is what I take Kendi to be suggesting, absurd though it is. There's no war on expertise--there's a war on pseudoexpertise. And as for trying to make CRT out to be anti-racist...that takes almost superhuman powers of reality-denial...
   And, as for denying that there are "race politics profiteers"...and as for Kendi denying that...  Well...the mind reels...  Of course he only directly mentions Bernice King. But that itself is dishonest. The real race grifters are in BLM and the like...though one might also mention Robin DiAngelo. Kendi himself may well go into that category--though I'm not sure there's anything wrong with making money off of your ideas if people are willing to pay you to repeat them. I don't have much of a position on that.
   Anyway. Pretty typical Kendi. There's a point of sorts in there, though no much of one. So it's not worth rummaging through the bullshit to get to it.


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