WSJ: Biden's Lawless Eviction Ban
Tough issue that I understand little about. I've acknowledged that the state has an interest in preventing mass evictions/homelessness (oh...sorry! Unhousedness...), esp. during a pandemic. But the legal arguments seem to lean against this ban.
I have an ongoing concern about the medicalization of everything. Most things that matter have some effects on people, and some of those effects are bad. Medicine, like other institutions controlled by the left, tends toward totalitarian expansion of its power. There have been attempts to argue, on medical grounds, for firearm bans, "hate-speech" bans, leftist race policies, leftist "transgender" policies... But CDC, AMA, etc. have no special authority in First and Second Amendment debates--nor in most debates.
One reason non-leftists consider the left dangerous is that this seems to be their general M.O.: something about the left makes it inherently expansionist. This, I suppose, explains Conquest's second (?) law: any organization not founded as explicitly and inherently right-wing eventually becomes left-wing. (Not an exact quote).
Again: I don't really understand the details of the issues with respect to the eviction ban. So these are just general observations. So these comments have the weaknesses of all such arguments.
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