Monday, August 16, 2021

Noah Carl On The Follow-Up Lancet Lab-Leak Letter

Both letters are absolutely shameless, PC/Lysenkoist, anti-scientific bullshit.
This sort of pseudoscientific nonsense is why rational people--especially non-progressives--are more skeptical about expertise. There is so much blatant leftist bias every damn time expertise and political/cultural disputes intersect that it has become clear that progressive experts have taken over most institutions, and they are basically incapable of objectivity. Or, rather: they reject objectivity and truth as ideals. It's part of the leftist worldview that leftist dogma and the triumph of the leftist worldview takes precedence over truth. I actually think that leftist (and extremism generally) tends to attract people who are inclined to be less objective. So actually I think it's a combination of natural inclination and bad, irrationalist principle. 


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