Sunday, August 15, 2021

Wilfred Reilly: The Assault On Empiricism

Right on the money on just about every point.
   Not sure why the picture is of the Proud Boys...they've got nothing to do with this. But obviously not the author's doing.
   Reilly could have gone on and on. Transgender ideology is probably the most anti-scientific idea to have actual policy consequences in my life. It's far, far less scientific than Intelligent Design theory--and that's saying a little something. IDT can come in scientific forms. (In fact, Young Earth Creationism isn't necessarily unscientific--it's just falsified by the fossil record.) Climate apocalypticism doesn't seem to be consistent with "the science"--but at least that's a more difficult issue, so it may have plausible deniability. "Social constructionism" in general is probably pseudoscientific--though, again, there are ways of cashing it out that can make it about nothing more mysterious than the social causation of ideas and institutions...
   But, anyway: good essay. Props to Reilly for it.


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