Saturday, July 10, 2021

"There Is No Debate Over Critical Race Theory"...Because There Must Never Be Any Debate About Progressive Dogma

Great Kendi hath spoken
   Because, y'know, there can never be any debate over 
When their political opponents start landing solid blows, the progressive left tends to deploy one of the following sophistries:
  • It claims that the aspect of their position in question doesn't exist.
  • It claims that the thing in question isn't what it obviously is.
  • It says that it never said what it said.
Political correctness? Doesn't exist. Cancel culture? Doesn't exist. Antifa? Double dog doesn't exist! Or: does exist but is absolutely not a violent anarcho-communist street gang! Just, ya know, anti-Fascist! Like the Allies in WWII! They're practically Easy Company!!! CRT? Doesn't exist! Not in K-12, anyway! See, it was first articulated in law it can't be taught in K-12! THAT'S UNPOSSIBLE! Also they are teaching it because "it's the truth!" Though, y'know, it's not clear that pomo-progs believe in truth anymore...but whatever! And they are gearing up to fight! For the right! To braaaaainwash! Also, some conservatives have sometimes made minor errors about the core doctrines of CRT! Which has nothing to do with the fact that there are different definitions of it among its proponents, of course... Also, somebody got some of the finer points of Kendism wrong once...including his birthday!!! So you see, there is no debate about CRT!
   That article is utter bullshit.
   Well...not utter. No one can be surprised by the fact that some critics have made mistakes about CRT. It's proponents get it wrong all the time. In fact, I'd be pretty surprised if 5% of the teachers who want to teach it even understand what it is. Also, the real problem isn't CRT, but a larger cluster of shitty, stupid views of which CRT is a component. There's no name for the bigger cluster of views--I've called it neo-PC, the postpostmodern mishmash, postmodern progressivism... It's a big, loony tangle of bad Continental pseudophilosophy, "theory" (i.e. literary theory--of a rather specific kind), and crazy, hard-left totalitarian politics. Calling it all "CRT" isn't accurate, but it's close enough under these circumstances. Nitpicking about what technically goes in Crazy Theory Category A and what goes in Crazy Theory Categories B-Z is just a rhetorical trick. What matters is: what dogma is the left currently pushing in schools--and on the country as a whole.
   Conservative and liberal opponents of progressive postpostmodernism were blindsided by its rapid rise to cultural dominance, but they've caught on and caught up fast. They're making solid arguments that the popomo left can't answer--because their views are utter bullshit. But, as I've said many times: the progressive left does not argue--it shuts down debate. Political correctness and cancel culture seek to shout down and "shame" any deviation from the dogma. The effort to declare opposing views "hate speech" and to narrow the protections of the First Amendment, the absurd claim that some speech is violence, ceaseless proclamations about "the science"...all aim to shut down open, public, rational scrutiny of their views. Transgenderism argues that any questioning of its doctrines will make people kill transgenders--or make them kill themselves. It's emotional blackmail on a national scale. If they call you racist, their dogma says that you must agree and apologize. To defend yourself is denial--and being a racist in denial is worse than being an avowed racist--or something. If you're accused to sexual harassment, you may, again, not defend yourself for...well, some damn reason. For awhile, some of them floated the theory that you shouldn't defend yourself even if you're innocent--on the grounds that it will diminish the credibility of such accusations generally. I'm not even making that shit up...
   Yours is not to reason why, peasant. Yours is to shut up while the cult destroys your country and brainwashes your children.


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