How Radical Are The Teacher's Unions?
The largest--and largest union of any kind in the nation--the NEA, is very radical indeed.
Ed schools and teacher's unions are dedicated to promoting the greatest of pedagogical sins: indoctrination.
Indoctrination of any kind by teachers is inexcusable.
But these people and organizations are indoctrinating children with an insane, anti-liberal, anti-American, anti-rationalist complex of political and philosophical views that they don't even really understand.
And that latter bit is part of the problem. Though there are millions of great teachers across the nation--and I mean that; it's not just a rhetorical concession--ed schools are not, as a rule, filled with the greatest minds. A large percentage of education students simply do not have the analytic ability to understand and evaluate views like CRT and the rest of the the radical leftist-relativist complex with which they are indoctrinated and, in turn, indoctrinate their own students. Furthermore, they don't have the knowledge base required to rationally evaluate CRT et al. You can't study just one, extremely weird philosophical view and actually understand it. But one radical, poorly-justified set of views is, apparently, dropped on them as if ex cathedra...and that's all they get. It's like taking a bunch of not-terribly-analytic-nor-well-educated people who have virtually no acquaintance with religion and dropping (e.g.) Calvinism on them as part of their schooling. Most are used to basically accepting what they're told by their teachers. Most don't have the relevant understanding of religions and religious scholarship to meaningfully evaluate it. Most will just pass it onto their students more-or-less as it was passed onto them... And if it was taught to them with religious fervor as the only righteous view...well...that's the kind of catastrophe we face with CRT and the rest of the post-postmodern, progressive mish-mash.
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