Sunday, July 04, 2021

Free Black Thought: Should We Call It CRT?

This is really on-target.
Much of what FBT writes is basically the same as what I've written--so I'm probably mooshing them together a bit, but: the problem is bigger than CRT...but there's no name for the bigger mass of leftist bullshit of which CRT is currently the most prominent component. No, conservatives aren't the ones who misunderstand CRT...or, at least, it's not really their fault--the progressive/leftist proponents of the view misunderstand it, and this sows confusion. No, opponents of CRT didn't just pick it at random and wrongly claim that it's being taught in schools--schools and CRT proponents have been saying this for a long time. And: beware: if the proponents try to get you to define it, they're trying to find some component that you leave out, or add in, and then they're going to say that you don't understand it. And I'll add: there's not really any canonical list of the tenets of CRT, so far as I know--there are, rather, a couple of them floating around. There's a 4-element list in Delgado and Stefancic...but other, longer lists floating around. That's not uncommon. There's often such disagreement about exactly what a view entails.


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