Monday, July 12, 2021

I'm Right Again: It's the Democrats That Have Radicalized

 I've said this many times, over the course of five-ish years: it's the left that has radicalized, not the right. I insist on taking credit for this not because I think it involved some impressive cognitive feat--but, well, rather because it didn't. It's been obvious for years. All you had to do was (a) open your eyes and (b) believe them. Let me point again to the paradigm case I harp on: transgender mythology. Ten years ago, if you'd have said any of the following, you'd have been accused of being an unhinged Republican/conservative and laughed out of the room--and not just by Democrats:
(a) Democrats will accept that (i) men can be(come) women / (ii) women can be male (and vice-versa).
Let alone:
(b) Democrats will believe that anyone who denies (i)/(ii) is a bigot ("transphobe") and (iii) should be shouted down, vilified and harassed--and, if possible, (iv) his personal life should be destroyed.
Let alone:
(c) (i)/(ii) should be institutionalized e.g. in the law, and those who fail to act in accordance with them should be subject to prosecution. Therefore, e.g.: men who misrepresent themselves as women must be allowed to participate in women's sports, use women's public restrooms and locker rooms, etc.
All this is the utterest madness, and the left accepted it all immediately--not just without pushback or reservation, but enthusiastically. It is all the equivalent of saying that trees are mammals or black is white--but the left not only accepted it immediately, they reveled in it--and immediately lost their minds against anyone who questioned their beloved new myth. (Maybe there's some touch of credo quia absurdum est in play...) The very first time I encountered the assertion that some women have penises--the very first time--it involved vicious, rabid, unhinged, online shrieking to the effect that anyone who even balked at accepting it was basically a monster. I had no freaking idea what they were saying. At first I thought this was some physical abnormality I'd never heard of... 
   And yet now all of (a)-(c) are true. I know there are Democrats out there who don't accept (i)-(iv)--but they're silent about it, and basically gives consent in these cases. That deserves more discussion, but I'm not interested in it right now.
   Again: seeing all this is no real cognitive accomplishment. All it requires is not allowing tribalism and crackpot politico-philosophical lunacy to suppress what you see with your own eyes and think with your own damn brain. 
   If you didn't recognize all this, that's on you. I'm not bashing you. This is tough love: it was right there. You shoulda seen it. It's ok if you didn't, but you need to adjust so that you don't make a mistake like that again. 

Anyway. Poole and Rosenthal were right in the past--but it's been clear for a long time that they're behind the times. The left has radicalized beyond anything that's ever happened on the right in my lifetime--with the possible exception of WMD madness...but I don't actually think that's even close. I started pointing this out years ago, and lost most readers as a consequence. But on this point I was right.


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