Monday, June 07, 2021

The Logic Of The Left Constantly Drives It To Crazier Positions

Climate change could be a problem...

Oh--ok, well, let's look into it...

[Co-opts universities, preferentially funds teams that "find" scary results, controls the media, which broadcasts mostly worst-case scenarios without identifying them as such, declares that IT'S THE END OF EVERYTHING IN TEN YEARS...NO TIME TO INVESTIGATE!!!!!! Labels all disagreement "denial" (as in Holocaust).] YOUR DENIALISM WILL KILL US ALL!!!  NO TIME TO DISCUSS!!!

OMG...uh...well...this seems pretty alarmist...but...I mean...there are already good reasons to switch over to natural gas and nuclear...

NOOOOOOOOOOOO  REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!! Only solar and the mystical ways of indigenous peoples can save us!!!  We must begin funding Head Start and community gardens and diversity training immediately!!!!!

Give 'em an inch, and they...demand all the inches and call you a racist anyway.

Hey, at least their climate scam is better than their racism and transgenderism scams. Those scams actually work, in part, by making more racism and more transgenderism. At least their climate hysteria is merely hysteria. Their other insanity is counterproductive hysteria.


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