Monday, June 07, 2021

The Progressive Approach To The Lab-Leak Hypothesis Was Not Unusual; It's Par For The Course For The Progressive/PC Left

The progressive/PC left politicizes everything. Politicization, for them, is not a bug, it's a feature. They're having to retreat on the LLH because new evidence got out, and they judge that digging in their heels is not an option. Of course they're fighting a rearguard action--blaming Trump, blaming conservatives, excusing their own politicization of the issue on the other guys... To be fair, the other side does, IMO, bear a bit of responsibility...but not much.
   The PC left would stick dogmatically to its political preference if it could; but it's concluded that it's an untenable position.
   Thing is, this case isn't unusual. It's par for the course. The only thing that's different from innumerable other cases is that such clear evidence has emerged against their position that they've got to admit that the hypothesis they declared absurd is surd after all. This also seemed to happen with Russiagate after the Mueller report...though even in that case, progressives first blurted out that THE ROOSKIES GOT TO MUELLER TOO!!!!!! Then they dragged their feet and tried a bunch of other bullshit...e.g. TRUMP WASN'T EXONERATED!!!... Then they just stopped talking about it. Then came the bullshit SSCI report basically going back to the unwarranted allegations and innuendo. Now they point to that report as if it actually proved something. 
   If the zoonotic hypothesis turns out to be true, recent admissions will be swept under the rug, and they'll go back to LOL LAB-LEAK CONSPIRACY THEORIEZ LOL!!!
   At any rate, the PC approach to all of the following have been basically the same: pick the politically correct position; progressive "experts" come forward and endorse it, pretending to speak as experts but actually just supporting their personal politics; MSM declares all alternatives to be crazy conspiracy theories / rejection of "the science."  Note: often the "experts" aren't even really speaking about their area of expertise, but on some related matter about which they aren't experts at all (see, e.g., progressive doctors and psychologists proclaiming that being a woman is a matter of thinking you're a woman.)
   The PC left does this with respect to matters both big and small. The smalls stuff has included e.g.: the Covington kids incident, Jussie Smollett, Kavanaugh/CBF etc. The big stuff includes: climate apocalypticism, transgender mythology, the various aspects of race hysteria--BLM, the genocide by cop hypothesis, the 1619 nonsense, diversomania, CRT; COVID hysteria; rape crisis hysteria / #Mee#Too#... 
   Political correctness--the subordination of reason, evidence and truth to leftist political dogma--is the absolute cornerstone of the contemporary left. And falsely declaring other views to be disproven or even crazy is just the flip side of falsely declaring your political preferences to be undeniably true.


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