Wednesday, April 21, 2021

HIGHWAYS ARE RAZIZT!!!!1111...Which Is Why We Need To Tear Them Up And Replace Them With Public Transportation, ACORN Offices, Absentee Ballot Collection Boxes, And Testosterone Vending Machines For Minors

Well, you can only rail against this idiocy in so many different ways...
   Everything is racist because America was racist in the '50s and everything was either made back then or thought of back then or has some tie to something from back then. Though, weirdly, American is even more racist now...but undetectably so...because...something something implicit something...or something something structural something! But at any rate, the really super-duper racist stuff is stuff that Democrats don't like. Like equality before the law and guns and free speech and freedom of movement. So, inter alia, "equity"--which is our totally new thing as a country, like "social justice"--says that we have to tear up highways and use only electric cars with like 200 miles between charge-ups. BECAUSE RACISM! Then more stuff that NPR-types want--like illegal immigration, community gardens, and drag queen story hour. If you aren't on board with this you are on The Wrong Side Of Historytm, jack. 
   But all this is perfectly normal. Because it's part of the leftist project that nothing needs to make sense anymore. Making sense, valid reasons, stuff like that are all retrogradestraightwhiteWesternmale. Which means: RAZIZT!!!111
   Remember when we had liberals? And they used to make sense at least a fair bit of the time? I mean, they made sense a lot less than I used to think they did... But at least they tried. I don't remember them just automatically shrieking RAZIZM!!11 every time they disagreed with something.
   Right before our eyes the "elites" that run our society have adopted a patently insane tangle of reality-denying, cultish dogmas... And basically everybody left-of-center is just going along with it like it were the most ordinary thing in the world. Our universities--which one might think should be beacons of honesty and clear thought, filled with people who would be eager to skewer cultish crazy--are the ones who inflicted this on us. They created it, and they are the most slavishly devoted to it. 
   Utter. Fucking. Madness.


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