Wednesday, December 02, 2020

The Election Cannot Be Trusted

Not until this sort of thing is cleared up, anyway. I don't want to see state legislatures override the will of the people...but at this point, we can't have confidence that official vote-counts represent the will of the people. At least we know that decisions by state legislatures would be some kind of largely reliable expressions of the will of the people.
   I'm not going to be surprised if all these stories of mass irregularities are debunked...but they have to be debunked if we're going to trust these vote-counts.
   IMO the blue team has clearly shown that they can't currently be trusted. They've been acting like a cult full of crazy people for the last 4+ years. They've already run a massive fraud operation to undermine the results of the 2016 election (i.e. Russiagate). They've clearly shown their willingness to accept / pretend to accept patent falsehoods in the name of political correctness (men can become women by fiat, to take just one notable example). They've done just about everything they can think of to undermine the reliability of our elections--from dropping I.D. requirements to promoting the mass vote-by-mail scheme. If you trust this latest incarnation of the Democrats, you've lost your marbles. These are, as they say, not your grandfather's Democrats. 
   We have to slow down and address the giant mound of charges that's piling up. It goes without saying that people like me will accept the results of a fair--and shown-to-be-fair--election. But right now we can't be sure that the election we had was fair. So let's get down to investigating and figuring it out. My guess is that the very serious charges will be refuted. But, then, I've bet against the red team at every point for the last four-ish years...and been wrong. (Except with respect to the outcome of the election; in that case, I bet against them and was right.) (And it looks like the Durham investigation will keep going--so let's pretend that questions about Russiagategate remain unsettled.)
   Anyway. Currently my guesses are:
(A) Biden probably more-or-less won the election despite some chicanery.
(B) That will be a quasi-disaster for the country. Not on the scale of Bush beating Gore...which turned out, largely unforeseeably, to be a catastrophe. Four more years of Trump would have been very good for the country; four years of Biden-Harris will be very bad for it. I could be wrong, but I'm not.


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