Saturday, August 08, 2020

Portland BLM/Antifa Rioters Assault Peaceful Elderly Woman

This is bad in every way. But in addition to all the other ways: imagine if the tables were turned and a young white man were abusing an elderly black woman like this. It would be headline news for months at least. 
But I'm sure the PMSM is all over this video, right? Just as much as they were all over the Nick Sandman / Covington kids video? 

I do see that they're on the fact that some white people refuse to intone the holy phrase they have been ordered to intone...   Why won't you say that you aren't, and have never been, a member of the Communist party? Why won't you say that you're not a Klansman? Why won't you say that you are not a sexual assailant? You've been told to say these things and yet you refuse! Tell us why we should tolerate your recalcitrance? Why won't you say the words we have commanded you to say???  
Hm. Well...why won't you say "All lives matter"? Why do you insist that no one is permitted to say it? Why do you insist that such a clear rejection of racism is--somehow--racist?
These people are insane totalitarian cultists.
Say our words! Say our words! Say our words!


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