Thursday, August 20, 2020

BLM's Cloaking Device: It's Not A Political Movement--"It's An Equity Issue"!!!

This bullshit argument came out during Kayleigh's press beating yesterday. 
Goodyear apparently said that it was ok for employees to wear BLM stuff, but not, e.g., MAGA gear, stuff that says "all lives matter," etc. The defense of this policy was apparently that BLM is not political, but is "an equity issue." 
   Think about how powerful this bullshit argument would be if we were to accept it. It would give BLM a huge advantage over all other political positions. It could be taught in schools basically as if it had the status of a matter of fact or an uncontroversial principle. It wouldn't be subject to the same restrictions all other political views are subject to. To grant it this exemption is basically to decree it true--or correct in whatever way such views are correct. 
   Kayleigh and the Trump team responded by saying that Blue Lives Matter is also an "equity issue"... Which is ok, but not exactly right. First, neither is an issue; both are organizations / organization names. Second, it's really crucial to emphasize that BLM is a hard-left, largely Marxist political organization that makes many claims and has many aims. Its claims are mainly false, and its aims are mixed to say the least. One of those aims is the elimination of capitalism. Another is the elimination of the nuclear family. So...yeah. That's an extremely political organization. And a crazy one.


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