Thursday, August 20, 2020

The Progressive 1-2 Punch: Falsehoods + The Outlawing Of Dissent ( + The Clean-Up Punch: TIME FOR RADICAL CHANGE...)

That's what we see with BLM:
The central thesis is false: police are not indiscriminately murdering blacks in America.
But they assert its truth repeatedly and vociferously.
Disagreement is not permitted.....what? you don't think black lives matter??? 
This is, of course, merely a variant on their Master Argument: RRRAAAACISSST!!!!
Now the original thesis is, from the perspective of the social acceptance of beliefs, functionally true. (Not to be confused with: actually true. True true.)
It's really a 1-2-3 combination, because the third move is:
Time for radical ("systematic," "revolutionary") change.
Since we're caving before these ridiculous arguments--since these ridiculous arguments are working--what we have here is something like revolution in a bottle. With no proof and no genuinely sound arguments, the left can simply insist on social change of any kind it wants. 


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