Thursday, August 20, 2020

What Will Happen To NYC (And Other (Wrecked, Blue) Cities)?

Scott Adams was talking about that the other day.
Here's one possibility I've been thinking about:
Cities become even bigger shitholes than they already are as a result of mob violence, ever-escalating BLMish demands (we're already up to "give us your house"), depolicing and refusal to prosecute. And, as Adams was, I think, suggesting: retailing moves to the Amazon model. 
So the exodus from cities accelerates.
One possibility is that e.g. NYC basically becomes more like Las Vegas: not so much a place to live as a massive tourist trap. A kind of oasis where hotels and fancy brick-and-mortar stores and high-end restaurants can survive. People don't really so much live there, but go there to blow money. People disburse to the suburbs etc., and NYC--or, well, Manhattan, anyway--becomes a vacation destination. They'd have to decide to keep the peace there--perhaps that could be done with private security?
If Harris-Biden Harris would decide to crack down on lawlessness... But of course suburbs would begin to be urbanized / criminalized, too... Dunno how quickly that'll happen...
Oh, well. Just a guess--and not a very good one.
More likely: blue cities and states will keep deteriorating, and people will flee to red zones. Harris-Biden will either lose or win and Harris-Whoever will get the boot in which time it may be too late...but, hey, maybe not...


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