Thursday, August 13, 2020

Althouse Rips Harris-Biden A New One Over "Very Fine People" Lies

   Well done, Professor Althouse.
   At the core of her criticism is one that people should make more often. I tend to avoid it because I tend to want to obsessively hammer on the fact that the left is lying about race and racism in America--focus that is, on the falsehood per se. I tend to shy away from harm arguments because I want people to take the pure arguments about truth and falsehood more seriously.
   But in addition to those there's an important, paradigmatically moral point: the left is systematically, relentlessly lying to black Americans in ways calculated--and guaranteed--to make them feel hated in their own country. Progressives are trying to brainwash both black and white Americans into believing, basically, that whites are evil and the police are evil and the nation is evil. And that blacks are pure victims whose future is not in their own hands. As far as harm goes, there's almost nothing more harmful you can brainwash people into thinking.
   Donald Trump did not call white supremacists "very fine people." He said that there were "very fine people" on both sides of the monument dispute--which is undeniably true. He explicitly excludes the white supremacists and Nazis from the scope of the claim. For once, Trump basically couldn't have been clearer.
   The progressive left more-or-less openly believes that politically correct lies are permissible or obligatory. They are lying about this. Lying about racism is basically their flagship strategy. Lying about Donald Trump runs a close second. Their candidates came right out an launched their campaign with bald-faced, scurrilous, and extremely harmful lies. 
   Althouse is right: they're unfit for goddamn office. (My formulation of her claim.)
   Listen, hard as it may be to believe: if you care about truth, you more-or-less have to vote for Donald Trump. He's a bullshitter. Which is not good. But he'll do less alethic and epistemic damage to the country that those other guys.
   Don't blame me. I didn't put us in this position. I don't like it. I can barely believe it. It took years--literally years--of reading and discussing and thinking and reflecting and brutally forcing myself to respond to the actual f*cking facts. I've already been through the unpleasant emotional stuff associated with manning the f*ck up, forcing my dishonest, slow-witted ass to stick to the evidence, and changing my mind. Lord knows if I can do it, you can do it--probably with less pain and effort.
   Props to Althouse. Groggy last night and today, I hadn't actually realized how shitty that presser was. Her post slapped me upside the head and made me stare at the awful truth. 
   And here I was, getting ready to sit down and write a post about how maybe...just maybe...we still had some grounds for hope that the blue team might actually me less-bad than the orange man... Some people never learn.


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