Thursday, August 13, 2020

Make America Normal Again

Personally, of course, normal and Trump don't go so well together.
But in terms of policy and the direction of the nation, and the madness that's seized the left: I think this is a good point. The radical left, like its mostly-young adherents, has a kind of aesthetic preference for the unusual, the weird, and even the grotesque. They often mistake this for a concern with justice and acceptance. But it's largely just a preference. And it's important for a society to carve out room for the atypical, the weird, the deviant and whatnot. But we have no obligation to reengineer all of society in order to conform to even the most whimsical preferences of the smallest and least-typical niche interest-groups. 
   Normality, like stability and predictability are boring social virtues. They're denigrated by much of the left, but what we've realized--many of us, at least--is that you have to have 'em. We've got room for those who crave non-stop change and weirdness. But society as a whole can't function like that. And even if it could, we have no obligation to make it do so.
   The left now basically makes up whole new conceptions of society on whims, springs them on the rest of us, and demands that we accept them immediately and without discussion. It's the latter bits that are really the problem. If you want to propose social changes, even sweeping ones, then make the suggestions and make the arguments. But you don't get to demand unquestioning, automatic acceptance. And if your changes require the censoring and squelching of public reasoning and debate, the go f*ck yourself. Anything that comes wrapped in that demand should be rejected on principle.


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