Sunday, June 21, 2020

Don't Forget--The Totally Peaceful Social Justice Riots For Peace and Justice Were Boog / White-Supremacist False Flags!!!!!11111

Whatever happened to that one?
Did they drop it?
For awhile they tried "Antifa did it"...which meant that they had to admit that Antifa exists...which conflicts with one of their newest gambits: Antifa doesn't exist! Sometimes supplemented by: Trump made them up! But, for awhile, they were trying it out anyway...because giving up Antifa was better than admitting that...well, of course black people were not responsible for the riots! Only a racist would believe that
   In was the opposite of black people! It was white supremacists!!!!11111 And "boogaloos"...which...isn't actually grammatical...but let's not try to force them to be grammatical, too...
   I think what actually happened is that they settled on a very different set of lies: (a) there really weren't that many riots! The protests were mostly peaceful! also (b) the riots were justified.
   These lies have many advantages over the previous lies they tried out...but I'm too tired to go into them right now...


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