Saturday, June 20, 2020

There WILL Be Mass Attacks On Trump Rally-Goers Today In Tulsa

There have been mass attacks on people attending Trump rallies basically from the very beginning. Remember the San Jose attacks? Including the mass crowd violence against a woman caught outside a Marriot? No? Unsurprising, since the attacks got minimal coverage. If a conservative mob had massed outside a hotel, trying to force its way in to attack Hillary supporters, we'd still be seeing reports about it periodically. If they'd caught one female HRC supporter outside and screamed at her, spit on her, egged her and threatened her, it'd go down in the history books--as I kinda think it should. That footage nauseates me ever time I see it. That story, and the way it was handled by the media, was an early episode in my redpilling.
   At any rate, the riotous mobs have already been, well, riotous for weeks now. They've already been spewing violence--often deadly violence--in every direction. Now their bloodlust can be directed at Trump-supporters at point-blank range. It doesn't take Nostradamus to see what's coming. Nor to see that which direction it will be spun. We're already seeing headlines that basically boil down to TRUMP SCHEDULES RALLY IN CITY WHERE THERE WAS RACIAL VIOLENCE 100 YEARS AGO!!!11
   Trump, of course, is spewing loony, antagonistic, antipresidential tweets. That almost goes without saying. Because what we really need is some accelerant poured into the flames of hysteria. 


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