Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Crowdstrike Admits Under Oath That There Is No Proof Russia Hacked DNC Server

This, again, is something that has been common knowledge in the conservasphere since before the Mueller report. Aaron Mate has been saying it for a long time, too. There was no excuse for the progressive/mainstream media to ignore this previously. And there's no excuse whatsoever for them ignoring it now. Yet here we are. 
   This also means that Trump may not have been so wrong about those Ukrainian servers after all...
   There should be massive headlines about the information in these documents blaring across the top of the front page of every newspaper in the nation. Television news should be talking about nothing else. Yet here we are...near silence about it all--except for the attempts to discredit it.
   This is an extremely dangerous situation. Our flagship national media is wholly committed to one of our two political parties. Even if it's your party, you ought to be at red alert over this. If you're progressive, there's virtually no chance that you aren't locked into tribal groupthink.
   My own view, incidentally, is that the capture of the media (and other major institutions) by progressivism has played a major role in the left going crazy. If the organizations responsible for transmitting facts and analysis about current events consistently echo your own doxastic and political preferences back to you...if they refuse to convey to you even the clearest and most obvious criticisms of your political preferences, your beliefs will naturally become more and more extreme. You'll come to think--with some justification--that the other side must be stupid or evil. After all, they have no arguments at all! And that, of course, is exactly what has happened on the left. Liberals, when we had them, used to have to argue for their views. All unprogressive views are now automatically dismissed by the powers that be as racist. This is a blueprint for extremification. Under those circumstances, it's got to be almost impossible to avoid.


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