Saturday, March 14, 2020

COVID-19 / Wuhan Coronavirus "Stigma": PC Pomo Humanities Nonsense Infects The CDC

My God this is ridiculous.
Under Symptoms and Testing on the CDC page, there are three sections/links:
Reducing Stigma
On the latter page, we read, among many other silly things:
Public health emergencies, such as the outbreak of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), are stressful times for people and communities. Fear and anxiety about a disease can lead to social stigma toward people, places, or things. For example, stigma and discrimination can occur when people associate a disease, such as COVID-19, with a population or nationality, even though not everyone in that population or from that region is specifically at risk for the disease.
   What seems to have happened here is that this nonsense, pumped up by the humanities types that infest the media, has now infested the CDC. None of this is really necessary, and it certainly has no business taking up 1/3 of the relevant section of their site, as if it were approximately as important as information on symptoms and testing.
Here's more:
Some groups of people who may be experiencing stigma because of COVID-19 include:
Persons of Asian descent
People who have traveled
Emergency responders or healthcare professionals

Stigma hurts everyone by creating fear or anger towards other people.
   First: noooo…. "Stigma" toward some people does not hurt "everyone." That's bullshit. It affects the stigmatized people and people close to them. But not "everyone." The reason to be concerned about such things isn't that they'll hurt you. This grade school move is annoying as hell.

   How much "stigma" has actually been associated with this virus? Basically none, so far as I can tell. I saw one video of a crazy street person attacking a small Asian woman (while others stood around watching, incidentally). There was an unconfirmed report of someone moving away from an Asian person who was coughing...and no evidence at all that (even if true) it had anything at all to do with them being Asian. As if that would matter. And, of course, in many areas, travelers are more likely to have been infected than non-travelers.  How is that "stigma"? A better term would be: fact. Similarly: health-care workers. (But does anyone really "stigmatize" them? Or is this some self-heroification?)
   It seems that this page was written specifically to support progressive hysteria about the term "Wuhan virus."
   There was some evidence for awhile (as I discussed) that Asians were at greater risk. That's not stigma. Nobody was treating Asians as dangerous as a result. If anything, the point was that we should have more concern for them than for non-Asians. There was not the slightest suggestion that they were bad or...what? I have no idea what's really even being suggested.
   Presumably the CDC isn't this stupid. I have to believe that this is some external influence on them...unless, maybe, they have their own resident PC morons... Egad. What a terrible thought.


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