Monday, October 21, 2019

Russians! Under My Bed!: Matt Taibbi: Everyone Is a Russian Asset: Tulsi Gabbard Is A Russian Asset Edition

Via Glenn Reynolds. Title template by Glenn Reynolds. Basically all Glenn Reynolds.
Well, mostly Matt Taibbi, actually...
At some point...surely...this will all become too absurd for anyone but the most politically correct lefties to accept with straight faces.
What's weird is that so many over there are not only still buying this stuff, but they still think they're the rational ones. They have an unshakable faith in their own intelligence and virtue. Given the absolutely, outlandishly absurd stuff they've accepted in the last five-or-so years, one can't help but wonder at what point they might at least consider the possibility that maybe--just maybe--they aren't completely infallible...
I've really never seen anything like this before.


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