Sunday, October 20, 2019

Great New Terrible Progressive Ideas: Votes 4 Kidz!

I've just lost all patience with the progressive left. But come on.
This essay actually strengthens the case against child voting. As if it needed strengthening. This is the kind of rejection of obvious fact and the tried-and-true experimental conclusions of the ages that makes the contemporary left so ridiculous--and dangerous.
While we're at it, let's lower the drinking age, minimum age for military service, age of consent for sex...which...that last one seems to be a progressive goal on the horizon anyway, so...
Note the essay also includes a bunch of other bad ideas unrelated to child voting, all aimed at increasing the power of the left--e.g. eliminating the Electoral College. So let's be clear about the real point of the thing.
Also check out the list of positions kids seem to support, including: the rest of us paying for their college, and the rest of us providing $5,000 to them when they turn 18...though...why should they have to wait for the money? I mean, isn't that just as bad as expecting them to wait until 18 to vote? Wonder how much money 4-year-olds would ultimately demand from us for candy?
As with many such ideas, it's fine to discuss as an academic question. But this is not a real, serious policy proposal.

[ you really think it's even vaguely plausible that parents undervalue their children and give their children's interest insufficient weight? And grandparents their grandchildren? As is so often the case, one is tempted to ask progressives: have you ever met any humans? That's not even vaguely plausible. So this isn't about taking children's interest into account--it's already taken into account in spades. This is about which beliefs, judgments and reasoning will be taken into account. And it's on that score that children are deficient. One suspects that certain groups would like kids to vote because they're easily manipulated--especially by tugging on their heartstrings...]


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