Saturday, August 31, 2019

Racism --> White Supremacy --> Slavery Advocacy?

I've wondered here before how the progressive left will rhetorically escalate things beyond 'white supremacy.' Of course any opposition to them is racism, as has been well-established... But then that wasn't enough, and now 'white supremacy' has largely replaced 'racism' that your dear old aunt Mary's barely-detectible, slightly suboptimal attitude about, say, Asia-Pacific islanders makes her a white supremacist--the moral equivalent of George Lincoln Rockwell.
   But where next? We know that the PC left works largely by thinking up inaccurate and politically-loaded terms, then insisting on their use. It's one of their main ways of skewing debates in their favor. But where to go after 'white supremacist'??? I guess Eve Fairbanks's recent train wreck of an argument gestures at one path forward: even natural lefties who are pushed away from the left by the left's misology and incivility are the moral equivalent of slavery advocates/defenders.
   Of course they'll have to think up a stupid-sounding earworm of a term for it--I'm sure the PC jargonworks is already spinning out some options. 'Sladvocacy'? Maybe just something like 'Neoconfederate'...though that doesn't have the right pseudointellectual ring to it, really... Obviously I'm not going to be any good at this...but you know it's going to happen...

   Standard disclaimer: not everyone left-of-center thinks like this. But so long as the silent majority (?) of former liberals refuses to oppose this insanity, it's reasonable to characterize them as something in the vicinity of sympathetic/complicitous.


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