Friday, August 30, 2019

Trump: Meta-Lying

Liars also tend to meta-lie of course--they lie about their lying. Sometimes if I think someone is lying to me I'll ask them outright. Every now and then you'll run across someone who's willing to lie about something, but not willing to meta-lie about it. But that's not the usual state of affairs.
I do think that K-Mac has a kind of point. It's painfully clear that the media and the left have done a lot of their own lying about Trump--lying, distorting, spinning, nit-picking and so on. And a fair amount of that has come in the form of bogus "fact-checks."
But no matter how you slice it, the dude says a whole lot of false things. He lies...he bullshits...he gets carried away...he's subject to wishful thinking. He just doesn't have a firm grip on the truth.
Somebody like that simply can't be president.
But here we are.


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