Friday, June 14, 2019

Did The Jury Hate Oberlin?

I'd be surprised if they didn't.
PC is insane and repulsive. Some of us are somewhat inured to it, as we're inured, say, to Scientology. But people who haven't become uncomfortably numb about it should be disgusted.
This trial is about someone stopping college students from stealing his property. The students assaulted him. The college's social justice cult kicked into action and deployed the PC master argument: Racism! Because, you see, you aren't permitted to stop nonwhite people from stealing your shit. And they couldn't be content with one insane protest--they kept it up, trying to ruin Gibson's family bakery. And the college--which is, after all, run by the same basic kind of crazy cultists--backed them up and egged them on. This is insanity, and the jury was righteously repulsed.
It's too bad punitive damages were capped at $22 million.


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