Sunday, November 25, 2018

Timothy Snyder: Trump Doesn't Even Rise To The Level Of Fascism

This...does not seem good at all to me.
But it may deserve more thought.
Seems like a mess to me on one read, though.
Among the many weird things in it is the attempt to link the 'fake news' locution with the Nazi 'Lugenpresse.' Everybody thinks that some news outlets are crap. How is the liberal 'Faux News' for Fox News any different, terminologically speaking, than 'fake news'? Synder (like others) seems to be arguing that the very fact that Trump thinks that some news outlets are unreliable indicates that he's a Nazi...because Lugenpresse!
   I'm not a Trump man, obviously...and one does worry more than a little...and more than a moderate amount...about what seem to be authoritarian tendencies. But bad arguments don't become good merely because their conclusion is 'Orange man bad.'
   I think Trump shouldn't be anywhere near the presidency, but I don't think he's a fascist...let alone "not even a fascist". Snyder's thought more about fascism than I have...but he doesn't make a good case in this piece.


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