Sunday, November 25, 2018

Graham Drope: Explaining The Lack Of Women In Philosophy

It's probably largely a natural difference in interests + more males at the relevant IQ level. But it wouldn't surprise me a lot if other factors contributed. It seems to me that more women are interested in recent "Continental" philosophy--but that stuff gets looked down on by people in my philosophical neck of the woods. It also tends to get done mostly outside of philosophy departments--unlike analytic and "post-analytic' stuff, it's been very influential elsewhere, and basically gets done across the humanities and softer social sciences. So: it tends to get done in fields in which there are more women--women's/gender studies, lit, sociology, anthropology, education...basically everywhere else that does any philosophy at all.
   It wouldn't surprise me, however, if stuff like sexual harassment and stereotype threat play some role, though. But: empirical question.


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