Thursday, September 06, 2018

Aaron Blake on the Trump "Democratic Crisis"

I thought this was pretty good.
   I thought it was good to highlight this distinction:
The idea that we are in a constitutional crisis is overwrought — and has been for quite some time — but the rest of the op-ed and some anecdotes from Bob Woodward's new book portray what could very justifiably be described as a democratic crisis.
Though there was this:
Imagine if Rahm Emanuel and Robert Gates just decided they wouldn't do what Barack Obama wanted them to do. Imagine if Karl Rove and Ari Fleischer decided to prevent George W. Bush from actually, you know, doing presidential things. These are unelected people doing their best to override the will of the duly elected president of the United States.
But what about this way of thinking about it: what happened during the Bush administration was worse than that: the problem there was that no one in the White House did try (or manage, anyway) to prevent Bush from doing certain presidential things. Taking us into Iraq comes to mind. 
   I mean...not much of a defense of Trump--just arguing for some perspective.
Furthermore: this is another case in which I don't know enough to judge. Might there not be certain elements of every White House that try to thwart certain initiatives? Maybe they don't have to steal papers off the desk, though... I'll bet that's fairly non-standard. Of course, if it actually happened at all, it may have happened just once. Or it may not quite be an accurate description. Could very well be something that gets retold because it's such a good story and not because it actually happened.
   But the overall picture doesn't sound what you'd call good.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

But what about this way of thinking about it: what happened during the Bush administration was worse than that: the problem there was that no one in the White House did try (or manage, anyway) to prevent Bush from doing certain presidential things. Taking us into Iraq comes to mind.

My recollection of this stuff is bad, I'm still too young to really remember the play-by-play, but my understanding was that Bush was actually a dove in comparison to his policy advisors and the neocon FP establishment at the time (Cheney, Boot, Kristol, Bolton, et al). So the problem there was actually that Bush didn't prevent his administration from doing destructive, moronic things. And of course the contrast between him and a Max Boot was never actually significant.

Trump's been pretty thoroughly cowed by those cretins as well (see Iran withdrawal and Bolton's influence there, which is the thing that's scared me the most about his presidency so far), but he has put up some fight.

3:43 PM  

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