Saturday, July 02, 2016

Cathy Young: Feminists Treat Men Badly...

...And It's Bad For Feminism...
   ...and, oh, by the way, feminists should care that they treat men badly even if it weren't bad for feminism...
   I think that your average feminist in the street isn't anti-dude. But anti-male sexism is a very strong theme in the vanguard of feminism. It's very much like old-school anti-female sexism, IMO: it's not so much explicitly, consciously, in-principle's just that basically everything is spun in an x-male direction. Whatever topic pops up, contemporary web-and-academia feminists cast about for some interpretation that makes men look bad, and then stick to it as if it were a fact. Most of them technically seem to understand that not all men are shits...but when their dander is up--which is usually--they don't want to hear it. When I was a kid, one of the good feminist points was: shy away from universal generalizations about the behavior and predilections of the sexes. Now, of course, point out that most men aren't shits and it's #NOTALLMEN!!!!
   God Twitter is idiotic...
   Every movement has its crazies...I usually try not to hold the lunatic fringe against anybody...  It's the fact that the average feminist in the street refuses to criticize or even acknowledge the existence of their lunatic fringe that bugs me... Oh, and: the lunatic fringe of feminism isn't a fringe. It's basically driving the ship...
   I continue to think that some day liberal, egalitarian feminists will seize power again in the movement...but until that time, I'll continue to categorize myself as non-feminist.
   Well, actually, feminism will also have to sever its link with the postpostmodern mishmash... I can't have anything to do with a cause that is so steeped in antirational nonsense. (Again: not the case for the average feminist in the street; totally the case for the vanguard.)


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