Monday, October 06, 2008

McCain Loves G. Gordon Liddy

Ouch. Jonathan Chait lands a solid punch on McCain. Turns out McCain's got a much closer association to a certified political lunatic than Obama does. Obama's link to Ayers is nothing compared to McCain's link to notorious nutcase G. G. Liddy.

As I recall, Liddy was always offering to kill people. Once he offered to let himself be killed, saying that, if it'd help the cause, he'd go stand on a pre-arranged streetcorner and wait for the bullet. But mostly he wanted to kill other people. Once he made an offer to Attorney General John Dean to put together a special action group do wreak some kind of havoc, describing it as follows:

"An Einsatzgruppe, General," I said, inadvertently using a hard g for the word General and turning it, too, into German.
As I'm sure you know, the SS Einsatzgruppen were primarily tasked with murdering people, mostly Jews.

One thing that becomes perfectly clear if you read any of Liddy's ravings is that he really does like the Nazis.

So Obama has a powerful counterpunch on this point.


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