Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Chris Matthews Rocks the Lipstick/Pig Point

Wow. Matthews just beat some Republican flack like a rented mule. That poor moron was p0wnz3d.

Matthews was extremely clear and entirely relentless, repeatedly pointing out that no sensible person believed that the charges were sincere, and forcing said flack to say whether McCain was accusing Obama of calling Palin a pig. Even the flackiest flacks can't seem to say 'yes' with a straight face.

[Update: Here's another flacktastic bullshit artist, Mary Fallin, saying that the very fact that the story is being discussed shows that it's Palin being attacked...clealry trying to suggest that the McCain camp had nothing to do with the story being on the air, and is terribly distressed that it just won't go away.

She then proceeds to claim that Obama's "old fish" comment was somehow aimed at McCain. When called on this by Matthews, she says something like well, it could be...

Matthews again asked the question: are you saying that Obama called Palin a pig? "I can't read his mind" she says.

Ah, the bait and switch. My opponent obviously did x! they say confidently. Then, when challenged to defend the claim, it's well, maybe he meant x...I mean, who can say?

These are very, very, very bad people.]


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's getting to be a ritual. Every four years we're subjected to constant reminders that the right is run by a bunch of sociopaths. Genuine sociopaths. And as an added bonus, we're also reminded that a good number of Americans are idiots.

6:22 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I really like the fact that your "very very bad people" ending is an exact mirror of Ms. Cheney's "he is a very bad man" comment regarding Kerry's reference to her out and proud lesbian daughter when answering the question of whether homosexuality is a choice or not.

You are right, these GOPers are very, very bad people. And revel in it.

11:48 PM  

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