Wednesday, September 10, 2008

John McCain Embraces Radical Political Correctness?

Anyone who's had the misfortune of encountering the PC thought police knows that the following is one of their most revered principles:

If you say anything that could even possibly be interpreted by anyone as being in any way sexist--no matter how insane the interpretation--you are a sexist

Now, the casual observer might think that the McCain camp has adopted this principle and embraced the whole PC thing...but that would, of course, be wrong.

Everybody with half a brain who is not blinded by partisanship knows that they are full of shit. They'd have to be complete and utter morons to believe what they are saying. But they don't. They know that it's bullshit, but they think it will score them political points, probably because Palin is currently popular, but possibly in order to keep people from thinking about the issues.

I really, literally have been getting sick to my stomach watching what's been happening over the past couple of weeks. It's hard to believe that this is the John McCain many of us used to revere. It's the most cynical display of unmitigated horseshit I've seen at least since Ollie North's performance during the Iran-Contra hearings, and possibly the most ever.

So apparently McCain has become either a PC lunatic or the most cynical American politician of our lifetimes. We all know it's the latter, but, hey, just pointing out all the possibly alternatives here.

[Update: More evidence that McCain has gone radically PC: unnamed McCain flack on Hardball just said "You've got to be careful what you say in this campaign." For anybody who's tangled with the PC psychos, that should send a chill down your spine...]


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