Friday, September 12, 2008

Adventures in Phonebanking
0/12/08 Edition

Ya know what's better than sitting around stewing about Darth McCain and Lyin' Sarah?

Goin' down and workin' the phone bank.

Ya know what's better than yellin' at the clueless talking heads on the teevee what fail to call Darth McCain and Lyin' Sarah on their lies, lies, lies?

Goin' down and workin' the phone bank.

Ya know what's better than sittin' around on yer butt while the forces of Very Badness try to keep control of our beloved country?

Ya got three guesses, friends.

I just got back. Ah, Friday night at the phone bank. How do I afford my rock and roll life style? I'm out of control. Yes I am...


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