Shows world population, number of species gone extinct, barrels of oil produced, prison population, cars produced, and other stuff. Interesting and scary. (via Metafilter)
I know that being concerned about overpopulation now makes you a racist according to the left, but I'm still concerned with it, so #&$@ 'em. I'm now officially old enough to have seen several issues switch valence on the left, from 'if you don't believe that p, then you are evil' to 'if you do believe that p, then you are evil.' So whatever.
Other sidebar:
Also: re: prison population: I don't take a large prison population to be necessarily a bad thing. Having lots of bad people in jail is what's largely responsible for the drop in crime in the '90's. Of course the composition of the prison population in e.g. China is quite different than in the U.S., so a large world prison population has to give one pause. Also, of course, very many folks in our prisons are non-violent drug offenders, and that is insane.