Thursday, April 26, 2007

How To Prepare For An Alien Invasion


One suggestion: "mujahadeen-style tactics" as in Iraq.

Sounds reasonable to me (um, given the premise...)...but...are the aliens coming because they've been led to believe that we have weapons of universal destruction (WUDs)? And after they invade, will they leave giant stockpiles of weapons and explosives unguarded so that we can use the stuff against them? And will they fail to plan for after the invasion?

Just wondering.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm sorry, but that was a very dumb article. Forget whether the aliens forget their post-war planning and leave the pistols out, and whether they happen to have technology just good enough to get them here but not good enough to, say, give them impenetrable shields. This scenario assumes that aliens for some reason or another want to invade the planet the same way one Earth country invades another, that is, by coming in, defeating the armed forces, and them governing well or ill. Why would they want to do this? Most anything they might want, living space, minerals, an end to human wickedness, would be best got by just killing everyone from orbit. ("Assymetical warfare" would work very poorly against a general neutron wipedown of the planet's surface.) For this defense plan to be any good, the not only have to have just the right level of tough-but-not-perfect technology but also have to look on human beings as somehow being worthwhile living subjects of their space empire, but not worthwhile enough to ask if we might want to join. That is, they would have to look on Earth the way the British looked at India in about 1850. This is like those old SF stories where the aliens happen to speak a language that sounds just like English out of some fantastic space coincidence.

1:50 PM  
Blogger Tom Van Dyke said...

Space aliens who have mastered interstellar drive might also have perfected war without screwups.

But I doubt it.

12:12 AM  
Blogger The Mystic said...

Somehow, I'm inclined to agree with Sagan, that if you can travel interstellar distances, you probably have no need for war, as you probably have little, if any, need for material goods (replicators all the way, baby!) that requires you to go to war with someone to get them. You've also probably just gotten over the whole "I PWN YOU NOW, YOU = MEH BITCH" phase, and the "MY GOD R0X0rz J00R GoD!!11one" phase.

1:22 AM  

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