Saturday, November 12, 2005

Reynolds the Revisionist

This is precious. Linking to Paul Mirengoff, Reynolds holds up the one paragraph from today's Post story which, if carefully taken out of context, seems to support the administration's case. It's beautiful in its dishonest purity. The structure of the story basically goes like this:

Bush said A, which is technically true but obviously misleading and irrelevant when you consider the actual allegations against him and the relevant facts B, C, and D.

Insty and Mirengoff quote the "Bush said A, which is technically true..." part triumphantly, announcing that that's the important point.

Now they're using meta-meta-deception about Bush's meta-deception. You gotta admire that the lie has the same structure all the way up, though. Kinda pretty, and useful in that it's just barely plausible enough to generate the illusion of plausible deniability. And that's all the True Believers require.


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