Monday, March 17, 2025

PC Brainwashing on Parade: Asking NYC "What is a Woman?"

It's downright horrifying what sheep humans can be.
This is the general kind of cultish idiocy I used to associate with the right--and I'm sure it's in there with respect to some issues...but...damn...
It's somehow more revolting that such people are held up as our cultural betters, when they are so brainless and easily manipulated with respect to one of the simplest concepts we have.
Now, tbf, some of it is that people aren't used to producing clear, accurate definitions. And some of it is that people don't quite understand what's being asked, and they think he's prompting them to wax poetic...
But mostly it's pretty clear. Most of these people have mindlessly accepted utter batshittery because it's the dogma of their social circle.
Only the guy in the big green chair and the foreign woman are sane--the latter basically understanding that she's being asked to articulate the currently-fashionable PC dogma, but admitting that she doesn't understand it.
God damn this is creepy as hell:


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